Chapter 24

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we all have a monster within; the difference is in degree, not in kind.

douglas preston

Chapter Twenty-Four:

Rain hit the windows on the Kills' car. The water quickly splashed away with the speed Hunter was driving. Gem grabbed hold of the handle, fearing for her life.

She was five when a rogue hit the car her mother was driving. She and her mother were not injured, but since then, she has always hated speeding down the road. Gem always took her long trips on wolf form. Her paws hitting the ground as she ran, but running in wolf form wasn't an option. She needed to get away, and Hunter had to too.

"Hunter," Gem whispered, grabbing his shoulder for another source of support. "I think we are far enough."

Hunter snorted, he quickly turned into the woods, making his mate scream.

"Hunter! What the hell?"

Hunter stopped the car before unbuckling himself. "Come on. We need to go on foot."

Gem quickly followed Hunter, who was already running through the trees. She sprinted after him. She was never going to let Hunter out of her sight.

"May I ask why?"

"Why what?" Hunter quickly took a left turn, making Gem jump over a log to catch up to him.

"Why we are running?" Gem yelled, grabbing his hand to slow him down. She pressed her face into his chest, worried deepened inside of her. She felt scared and confused. She should feel weaker than ever. The whole society of hunters heard about a wolf joining their ranks. It would take no time for them to search for any others. Yet, she felt something grow inside of her.

"Trackers are in the car, Gem." Hunter's strong arms came around her, pulling her closer. Gem smiled softly at the act. I wondered if he would be like this even if I wasn't his mate.

"Where are we, Hunter? We need to find a pack, and we need to get help." She grabbed onto his shirt when she heard a sound. She wondered if the hunters chasing after her covered scent.

When a rabbit, white and black, jumped out from a bush, Gem relaxed. Ok, I should have known that was a rabbit. She blew it a breath before looking around her. She didn't recognize this area, but this land was No Man's Land.

"The opposite direction to the pack we attacked with Paige." He whispered, his heart breaking about thinking about his sister. I'm so sorry, Paige. Please be strong for Mom and Dad, and maybe me.

Gem nodded her head. The pack they attacked back then was the Ice Teeth Pack. She scoffed, thinking how the green grass was untouched by snow. A snowflake has not touched the ground there for forty years. Back then, it snowed nine months of the year and hailed the other three.

"We are heading towards the Fire Claw Pack," Gem mumbled, pulling Hunter as she walked.

The Fire Claw Pack was small, only around three hundred members. It was a surprise that they lasted this long, but Gem wondered if they retreated somewhere else. They were small, but then, they had some of the best warriors Gem had ever seen.

Hunter pulled out his phone, and Gem quickly went to grab it.

"Gem!" Hunter yelled, lifting his phone above his head. "Knock it off!"

"Trackers, you idiot!" She yipped, jumping onto her mate. Her legs wrapped around Hunter's waist.

"Not on my phone, idiot!" He snapped back, but pulled his little red head closer. "I already checked."

Gem stopped, sending glare to him. "Don't call me an idiot."

Hunter only smiled, "You called me one first."

Gem huffed before reaching out for the phone slowly. Hunter raised his eyebrow as her finger hit the screen, and he let her pull the phone out of his grasp.

"Can I call my father?" Gem asked, pressing the numbers of her father's phone number, his private one. Hunter nodded, slowly walking in the direction he was headed in.

"Daddy?" Gem smiled when the phone called was answered.

"Gem?" Her father shook his head, happy to her his eldest daughter's voice. The happiness soon turned into to worry. "Is everything ok?"

"No," Gem answered. "They found out, and I'm currently walking in the woods." Gem pushed Hunter's head when he snorted, making a comment about her walking.

"Where are you?"

"Heading towards the Fire Claw Pack," Gem smiled at Hunter when he started whispering things. "Daddy?"

"I'll be there in a few."


He sighed, "Yes?"

"I found my mate." Gem smiled when she head her mother's voice:

"Mate? Did she say mate?"

Her father chuckled at his, "Yes, baby." He then turned his attention back to his daughter. "Get to the Fire Claw Pack safely, and stay out of sight."

"I know, Daddy."

Gem chucked when she heard her mother's voice, and the struggling she was having to grab the phone from her mate's hand. "Let me talk to her! Give me the damn phone!"

Hunter gave her a confused look when he heard loud muffling on the other side of the line. What the hell?

"Tell me about him!" Gem laughed, staring down at her mate.

"Well," Gem leaned forward, her smile growing wider. "He's very handsome."

Hunter rolled his eyes, but Gem saw a small blush forming on his face.

A sequel echoed through the phone.

"He's also very strong, and his eyes are cute."

"Cute," Hunter mocked. "Just cute."

Gem's mother laughed, "Tell me about his personality, and his name."

Gem froze. Name? He's Hunter Kill, world class werewolf killer.

"Um, Mom. You have to promise not to freak out."

Her mother laughed, "Come on."

Gem sighed, "His name is Hunter Kill, and he. Is. My. Mate."

Author's Note:

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Happy reading!

drop the mic,


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