Chapter 15

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i beheld the wretch-the miserable monster whom i had created

mary shelly

Chapter Fifteen:

The wind blew towards the ground, picking up dust as it passed. The trees rustle, a bird flew away. It's long wings taking flight away from the fight that was happening below. Two women faced each other, their eyes daring the other to move first. There will be only one winner, one victor, and one Alpha.

"Paige," Gem yelped, "you don't know what you are doing." She barely grunted the rest out. Her wolf wanting to show her dominance, the Alpha inside of her. "Paige, just settle down." Don't let them win, Paige. Fight her. Fight them.

Dominance. You are claiming the dominance that should have been yours since the beginning.

Paige started to smile, her lips pulling back. Her fangs started to show, her eyes brightening with darkness by the second. She felt the nerves in her hand tingle, almost as if she was losing control of her own body.

Gem growled, her chest puffing out. She's like a newly shifted pup. "Breath Paige. If you stop, the shift it will only hurt more."

Paige chuckled. How can I be hurt when I feel so powerful? She didn't hesitate to raise her hand in the air. Red dripped from her nails bed. The drops of her clean human blood started to leak from her heartless soul. The monsters started to grow stronger with each drip, and that left Paige feeling invincible. I'm invincible. They roared inside of her head, but even Gem stubbled at the source.

"Gem, how does it feel being the first beast to die of the weapon I created?" Paige stalked forward, the vision of the world slowly turning into darkness, matching inside of the dying humanity mind she once had.

That wasn't you, Human. You are finally being born.

"Paige, you need to stand still for the first time."

Paige didn't stop walking; she stepped forward. Her feet hitting the ground painfully. The dirt covering her toes, her bruised feet. Gem stared into her eyes, the eyes that used to be an exact copy of her mate's, Paige's brother.

Claim her destiny! The growl in her head made a snarling sound through her vocal cords, breaking the surface.

"Did it feel like this, Gem? This power, the power you wolves want to abuse," Paige reached out, gripping her forearm harshly. Cracks popped into the air, making Gem grimace at the sound. Her wolf already working on healing herself. "Your kind can't stay alive. It's not human." I can be the only one.

"Think about your brother, Paige." Please, Paige. Oh, Moon Goddess help her. "Think about you, Paige. This isn't what you want. It's what they want." Gem twisted, her body wiggling to get free. She slipped out through the inner battle Paige was unknowingly fighting. "This is the weakest you can get."

We're your conscious. How can we not be you, Human?

She's tricking you, and only the weak can be tricked. Kill her.

"Think about your brother, Paige, think about your brother!" Gem cried out. She couldn't kill Paige. She was her mate's brother. She has already been through so much pain. She's the girl who is the key to freedom. She deserves happiness, and Gem's wolf has already accepted her as one of her own.

"My brother. He can take care of himself, and he better kill all of those bastards when he gets the chance," Paige growled. Her fist clutching as she whispers. He is a Kill. I am a Kill, and Kills are the best hunters in the world. We are the future, and I will become it.

"My family was destroyed by wolves, Gem. How could Hunter ever love you?" Paige smirked, her mind pushing her to continue the mental torture. "By the same creature that attempted to ruin him? By the same species that took almost everything?" You took everything from me.

Dig the knife deeper, deep enough to feel the bone, Human.

A loud growl echoed through the trees, bouncing off the trunks and coming across the clearing area. "Don't. You. Ever. Talk. Like. That." Gem came face to face with Paige, her vision became blurry.

"Hiding from the truth, Gem? Never took you for a coward."

What's happening? I can't see anything. Paige's hands wanted to fly forward when Paige thought about using her surroundings to see, but her hands stilled. She grunted in her head as she tried to move, her fingers shaking as she panicked.

Hush, Human. Wolves will take care of their own. It is my place to put her in her rightful place.

A snip of the world flashed through Paige's brain. She picked out the color of a sunset set setting under the clouds. The color was faint, not fully showing the power to her human eyes. The color slowly darkens, a color Paige recognizes all too well. Her mind flashes again, a body mangled, a red liquid rolling down olive skin, the nose broken.

Chains held the body up. Clutching fists hit the woman's ribs all over again. Large bruises, colors of red, black, brown, and purple, cover the chest and gut. The legs losing the strong muscles and reflecting on the malnourishment of the dying body in the room.

"Pathetic," a man spat. His eyes glowing. The woman gurgled, blood rising to her mouth. She missed the air that didn't taste like iron.

She was a weak girl. Look at the power you have.

The world was bright, the light blinding her as she sees a familiar redhead on her knees bowing to her.  Her broken chest rosed, the pride in her monsters growing at the sight of submission. I have dominance. Power.

"State your old and new rank, omega."

Gem lifted her head, blood dripped from her eyes. Her lips opened, and the words leaked out of her.  "I, Gem Lupin, the daughter of Alpha and Luna Lupin, was going to be taking the position of Alpha for the Dark Thorns, but now is an omega, a submission to the Alpha of the Alphas."

Gem spoked in a robotic tone, her emotion and feelings stripped away from her. Paige smirked, her heads coming to wipe the dirt on her face when she felt something wet, and then she screamed.

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