Halloween Special

Start from the beginning

"What are you looking for?" He asked.

My face started to get hot and probably red, "Well, it may sound stupid but...I'm looking for a pair of novelty glasses." I then bent over to continue tying my shoe.

He raised an eyebrow, "Why on earth would you want one of those?"

"Well, you see, Mina texted me saying that they were throwing a Halloween party at the dorm and they invited me to join them. She said that I have to dress up so for my costume I need...well I don't need but I would like to add them to my costume. I'm going as the cliché ghost...which is just a white sheet. Oh, also, do any of you's own a sewing machine or a needle and thread by the least?" I tried to explain.

He laughed then said with a smile, "Yeah, I have a sewing machine in my closet; you can use it. What color of thread do you need?"


He put a hand on his hip, closed his eyes and looked up as he tried to recall if he had that color. He then opened his eyes and shook his head as he looked at me, "Sorry, I don't have white thread."

I was already standing at this point. I then put my hand on the door knob and said just before I opened the door, "Alright, I'll pick up some while I'm out." I then opened the door and said over my shoulder with a wave, "Well then, see ya later."

"Yeah, see ya."

The door closed behind me and I was on my way. I walked down the sidewalk of the complex, then to the sidewalk of the street. I walked past hundreds of Halloween displays. I liked to see them cause Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love the spooks, the costumes, and the coolness that is in the air. I wish it was like this all year round. Anyway, when I made it to the first store that I wanted to look at, I found some thread that was on sale, but not the glasses. I then decided to look in a store which had Halloween costumes and other merchandise as such. The second store that I looked in didn't have what I was looking for, but the third time's the charm. The third store that I walked into had what I was looking for and it was pretty cheap too.

While I was in line, waiting to purchase the novelty glasses, someone came up behind me and startled me by saying my name out of nowhere.

"Oh, hi Y/N."

I turned around to see Uraraka with her usual bright smile.

"Oh hey Uraraka. What are you doing here?" I asked

She replied, "Just getting some odds and ends for both my costume and the party tonight. Hey, did anyone invite you to the party?"

I nodded my head as I answered, "Yep, Mina texted me earlier. Now here I am, getting something for my costume that I'm making."

We both then took a step towards the register since the person who was being helped left finally. I was now next in line.

"That's cool, making your own costume. Are you sure that you'll have enough time?" she asked as she tilted her head to the side.

I waved my hand, "Oh, of course I will. All I have to do is glue this stupid thing on then I'm done."

"That's good that it's that simple. What are you going as? I'm going as a witch."

With a mischievous smile I said, "You'll see when I arrive."

We then took another step. I was now at the counter and put the glasses on the counter. We still continued to talk though.

Uraraka then said with a smile, "I can't wait to see what it is now!"

"Yeah?" I handed the money to the store clerk.

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