Chapter 56

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College apps are in and it's time to party for the rest of my senior year fellas, how ya doin?
Sorry for such a prolonged absence, I was getting my life together and applying for colleges and universities! 

I'm ready to update this story up to where season 4 currently is, and I'm also throwing in something I think you guys are really gonna like!

If memory serves, this should be around episode 43, season 3 of MHA.)

Leave Out All The Rest - Linkin Park)

You slid down the slide with Midoriya and Kota, the three of you making your ways down the side of the mountain. Looking up for the first time in a while, you take in the surroundings as you blink away the dizziness. The forest was still in flames, bright blue and ever burning. Hearing Midoriya begin to speak, you glance back to look at him.

"If any of the villains down there are even as close in power to that guy, all our lives are at risk.. and I think he mentioned something about going after Kacchan.. I wonder if it's only him they're after." he said as he looked at you. Your eyebrows furrow in worry as you begin to think. 

'But why Katsuki?' you pondered as you all made it to the ground. "We have to warn Aizawa and the Pussycats about this new information. For all we know they could be after more people too." you replied. You took Kota off of Midoriya to give him a bit of peace as you begin to sprint through the forest with him, looking for Aizawa. "While we're at it, we should go around and begin putting out the fires." you stated, glancing at Kota in your arms. "I need you. We need you. Are you with us?" you asked the glossy eyed boy, who nodded without hesitation.


"Just a little bit further!" Deku said as you all rounded a corner of trees. 

"Hey, look!" Kota said as he turned his eyes in a different direction. You and Deku follow suit.

"Mr. Aizawa!"

Aizawa stopped and realized that his students were coming towards him, the teacher's eyes widening at the state you were both in. "Midoriya? and (L/n).." he sighed. 

"You're here! Thank goodness.." the green-haired boy gasped as you handed Kota off to the teacher. "We need to catch you up on what we learned about the villains but we don't have time!"

"Hey.." Aizawa began.

"Plus I need to find Mandalay!" Izuku kept talking as he began to run off. "There's something I have to tell her-"

"Hold on!" the teacher began, stopping Deku. "Midoriya!" 

Deku stopped but ran in place, not losing the adrenaline rush that he was functioning on at the moment as he looked at the teacher. 

"Those injures.." Aizawa-sensei began. "You went too far again, didn't you? Did you forget about the Hosu incident?"

You and Izuku paused at the teacher's words. Looking at each other, you both rest your eyes on the teacher again. The both of you were not certified to use your Quirks to cause injuries on someone, and you both knew it very well. You bit your lip in anticipation as you both waited for what Aizawa could say. 

"Tell Mandalay something from me." Aizawa said, beginning to tell you and Izuku his orders. Both you and Deku piped up at the teacher's words. 


You and Deku ran through the puzzle of trees, hoping you both wouldn't run into anything else while you tried to reach Mandalay. You really needed to grab your phone, so you would have to detour back to the inside of the building. 

Deku suddenly jumped up out of the corner of your eye, making his way into the clearing that you both approached. You paused and began to run back to the main building, Deku already knowing where you were going. 

'Go ahead and use your training. I'll take the heat.'

Those were the words that your teacher had told the both of you. The real fight would start now. 


Running inside, you pant as you look for the room that you and Shouto were rooming in. You soon find the room and begin to rummage through it, finding your phone on the night stand. About to run out after sliding it into your pocket, you suddenly stop after seeing a figure at the end of the hallway. Gasping and backing up again the door of the room, you notice that it was a man with a mask and a top hat. 

"Hello my dear, I am Mr. Compress! I'm going to need you to come with me." he said. Before he could even get close to you, you panicked and liquidated, seeping back under the door. You heard his sharp steps approaching the door as you solidified and ran to the window, opening it. Liquidating once more, you escape and get back to Deku in your watery state. 

'They're after me too? But why?!' you thought. You weren't anything special, like Katsuki, who won the sports festival or Shouto, the son of the number two hero. You got back to Izuku and solidified. Deku looked at you and nodded, endorphins in his body running rampant. Those were probably the only thing keeping him going. 


Aizawa ran with Kota back to the main building, hoping to get him to safety without any run ins. The teacher felt the young boy grip onto his scarf and glanced down at him, seeing if he would say something.

"Mister.." the boy began. "Are they gonna be okay? I sorta..punched the green guy earlier..and said mean things to Miss (n/n)..but they still got beat to a pulp to save me.." he sobbed. "I didn't even get to apologize..or thank them! They're not gonna get hurt more, right?!"

"Don't worry. They sustained those injuries because they don't plan on losing tonight. Though as their teacher, I'll have to punish them after this. Anyway, you'll get your chance to talk to them again. And when you do, be sure to put more emphasis on the 'thank you' part."

Kota looked at the teacher and smiled. Aizawa glanced and looked forward, eyes dark with tension and suspense.

'Future not let this night be the end of your journey!'

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