Chapter 28: Shouto Todoroki

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3.8k+ I love all of you uwu. Also, I updated reader's costume after the USJ attack! 

Little updates on my life : School is out for the year! I am officially on summer break but I have summer school for a class I wasn't too hot in so yeah, but it won't consume too much time. 

idon'twannabeyouanymore - Billie Eilish)

After you gave him a quick shoulder rub you sent Todoroki on his way to his match with Deku. You felt anticipation as you ran back to the stands to watch how the battle would unfold. 

"The first match of the second round! At this year's sports festival, both have shown top class performances! Welcome The Hero Course's very own, Shouto Todoroki, the guy who quite literally froze  our audience!" The cheers were eminent as you watched Todo in anticipation.

"Also from The Hero Course, we have Izuku Midoriya! Kinda normal looking don't you think?" He chuckled. "Do not underestimate this guy's punches!"

The cheers of the crowd were hurting your ears. You felt concern as you saw Todoroki staring at his father. It was as if they were arguing telepathically at this point. His mood soured and he turned to Midoriya. 

"Let this battle begin!"

"Smash!" were the words Midoriya used as he flicked his finger in the direction of Todoroki's approaching ice. 

"So cold!" Denki cried.

"Just the wind did that much?!" Kirishima wondered aloud. 

"Wow! Midoriya stopped Todoroki's attack!" Present Mic cried. 


"He stopped it again!"

Tokoyami came and sat next to you as you watch Deku basically mutilate his body more and more. 

"It started?" he pondered.

"Yeah. Oh, best FRIEND!" you yelled at Katsuki.

"What, dumbass?" he looked at you.

"I'm up against you in the next round."

"I'll kill you." he replied. 

"I'd expect nothing less!" you grinned. 

Soon enough, Deku had used all of his fingers to fend against Todo. Shouto seems to have contracted frostbite, as he was shivering while staring at Deku. You could see that they were talking from where you sat, but you could not comprehend their conversation. Todo got in close and began doing hand to hand combat, only for Deku to punch Todo away. You gasped, knowing Deku usually punches at full power. You hoped that he had held back this time. Some more talking occured but you noticed Todoroki's expression getting angrier and angrier. They soon started yelling loud enough for the stadium to hear. 

"There's a limit to how much cold your body can take, isn't there? And isn't that something you could solve by using the heat from your left side? Everyone's fighting with everything they've got to win and get closer to their dream, to become number one! You want to win with just half your strength?! You haven't put a single scratch on me yet, you know! Come at with me with everything you've got!" Deku yelled at Todoroki, as he began to power up his Quirk.

"What are you planning? Everything I've got? Did my damn old man buy you off or something? Now I'm angry!" Todoroki replied as he set off another surge of ice, however, you noticed that his attacks were slower, and increasingly sloppy. 

Todoroki got in close and Deku suddenly headbutts him. You see that his hands and one of his arms are completely trashed. 

"All Might. I want to be like him. In order to do that, I have to be strong enough to become number one. My motivation might seem so trivial compared to yours that I can't make a fist!" Deku yelled.

You. - Todoroki Shouto x Female! Chubby! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now