Chapter 3

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Soon it was your turn, and you walked to the ball. You turned the ball into its liquid form of cowhide, cork and rubber. Turning your arm into it's liquid form of essentially water as it makes up most of your body, you combined it with the liquid ball and "threw" it (or essentially make your liquid arm go really far). You chucked it a good 400 meters. Retracting your arm and solidifying it, you walked off the base and sat with Izuku. You patted his back as he went up. Blasty McGee came and sat next to you while he analyzed every move Izuku made. 

"He won't throw it far. He's Quirkless."

"No he isn't. You didn't see him during the entrance exam? He annihilated the zero pointer!" you exclaimed. "He got major support points for that."

Bakugou stayed silent as he watched Izuku. After some unheard conversation, Deku suddenly hurls the ball 705.3 meters, .1 meters ahead of Bakugou. To say he was livid was an understatement. 

After the assessment, your teacher said no one would get expelled. You all wandered back to class to continue with your other, more "normal" classes. Being from the States, you did well in English and History. You seem to have been placed next to the boy you awkwardly sniffed earlier in most of these classes. Maybe it was time to formally introduce yourself. 

During your work time you noticed he finished early and decided to gaze out the window. Shoving your work in your bag, you look at him and take out your airpods. 

"I'm (f/n) (l/n)." You state happily. "Who are you?"

"Shouto Todoroki." He replies as he glances at you. "Weren't you the person smelling me earlier?"

"Pft...yeah, sorry. You smell good. For a guy." You awkwardly retort. 

He looks equally as awkward as you and tries to get out of the conversation by looking away again after a quiet 'thank you'. 

He was wrong if he thought you would go down that easily. 

"D-Do you like rock? They're one of my favorite genres." you stutter out to this guy who seemed uninterested, which intimidated you.

"I...don't really listen to music." he replies.

"That's ludicrous! Come up to the roof for lunch, I'll show you some stuff!" you grin. He looks at you and looks away. 

He only gave you a sidelong glance before looking away. He seems the cold and stoic type. His voice never changed pitches either. You have to become friends with him, it became your personal goal! 

Lunch rolled around and it was time to eat. Standing behind Bakugou, you spot some tiramisu from your spot in line and excitedly wait your turn. Grabbing a traditional Japanese meal and a slice of cake, you tell Bakugou to be nice to the ginger next to him and you run off to the roof to meet with Todoroki, who hopefully showed up.

You spot him slurping away at some cold soba, staring off into the clouds. 

"Todoroki, what's up?" you grin as he glances at you.

"Not much."  he murmurs as he watches you sit next to him.

You dig into your meal as you take out your phone. "Let me introduce you to my stuff!" you grin. You give him an airpod, which he puts on as he eats. You soon begin by showing him bands that you really liked. After giving him the names and asking for his opinions on the music, you both walked back to class together.

"Hey Todoroki?"

"Yeah?" he glances.

"Can we be friends?" you ask.

"...I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to learn how to be a hero." he murmurs. He notices your crestfallen expression and the faint pity he held came. Pity? No it isn't pity. He only felt bad since you did spend your precious lunch hour showing him some tunes when you could have been doing something else.

"We.. can be acquaintances." he finally states. Your eyes lit up like the fourth of July as you jumped for joy. He took into view your chubby figure and soaked in every detail he could before returning to class with you. 

Bakugou saw him giving you the eye from a little farther down the hall. He soon scowled. He knew he was going to keep an eye on this coke can wannabe. Whoever dared hurt his little sister figure was going to have hell to pay. 

You. - Todoroki Shouto x Female! Chubby! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now