Chapter 43

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THANK YOU FOR 8.2k+ READS AAHHHHH I'm gonna go be girly with the gal pals at the mall today, gonna be a broke ass bitch but you know what that's all good BATH AND BODY WORKS IS HAVING THEIR SEMI-ANNUAL AND NOW I HAVE TO GO)

Sugar Sugar - The Archies)

The school bells chimed, signalling the end of Aizawa's class for the day. 

"That's it for class today. There's only one week left until your finals, three days of written exams and one day for the practical. Study as needed, train as recommended." Aizawa said as he walked out of the class.

"I'VE BARELY EVEN STUDIED FOR THIS SEMESTER!!" both Mina and Denki cried. You looked over at them and smiled nervously. That didn't sound good. 

"We barely learned anything with all the events that happened.." Sato said. Koda nodded in agreement. You watched everyone panic and you looked at your latest transcript.

This was unbeknownst to all in the class except Katsuki, but you were in 19th place in the class right above Mina, who was 20th, and Denki, who was 21st. Sure you were good at chem and earth science.

That's all you were good at though. 

You saw Jirou approaching and shove your transcript into your bag quickly. 

"We still have time to study! Just work hard, and you can do it!" Deku exclaimed. 

'Sure you were fourth.' you told yourself in your head. 

"Yes! As class rep I'm sure you will all pass with stellar marks!" Tenya added. 

'Okay, but you're second.'

"It's pretty hard to fail if you just pay attention." Shouto concluded.


"Why you gotta cut me down like that!?" Denki cried in anguish. You nodded solemnly behind all the boys.

"Hey, don't worry about it! I can catch you up to speed with certain topics, if you wish!"

"YOU'RE THE BEST YAOMOMO!" they both cried.

'If only I can get in on that action..But I'm gonna get stuck with Katsuki.' you think as you glance over, seeing him hitting Kirishima with a rolled up paper.

'Aw hell.'

"I'm afraid I won't be any help in the practical, however.." Momo sighed. 

"Hey, (y/n). I've been studying, but could you help me out with some of our chemistry work? I don't really have a solid grasp of all that electron configuration stuff.." Kyoka said. Denki and Mina looked over at you.


"More or less.." you shyly whisper. 'OH PLEASE NO MORE ATTENTION ABOUT GRADES--'

"What was your position in the midterms, (y/n)?" Ojirou asked.


"Oh, know..."

This captured everyone's attention. You were a mystery since no one ever really saw you doing school related things.

You whispered it quietly and only Kyoka picked it up.

"....oh sweetie--"

You glanced away quickly in shyness and waved your hands around. 

"It's not important! It's lunch time let's go eat!" you said as you ran out of class. 

Katsuki went up to Aizawa's desk and looked at your placement.

"Dumbass.." he mumbled as he walked out. Everyone went to the desk and saw as well.

"Oh that's terrible--" Mina said.

"Hey she's in the same boat as us! Sweet!" Denki exclaimed.

Shouto just looked at your placement and then at the door. He doesn't really study himself, as he's never felt the need to. He would help you, however.

"She can come to our study party!" Momo said happily. 

'Or she can do that.' he said to himself in his head. Either way, he would offer. He walks out of the classroom, expecting you to be in the canteen. However, he was reminded that you were in the library.


After lunch ended, you look down at the paper that Hitoshi had given you. Your hands shook as you held it, staring at it with wide eyes. Shoving it into your bag, you decided to not tell anyone what went down. Running back into class, you bump into Katsuki, who was on his way out. He turned to yell but saw it was you.


"Why is your face red."

"No reason!" you fidgeted. 

He glared back at Shouto.

"Todoroki? I'll kill you too." Shouto just narrowed his eyes at Katsuki's confrontation, and then to you.

Why were you red?

Katsuki didn't wait and pulled you out of the class, beginning to go home with you. 

"What was that about?"

"I'm gonna show them all that I'll be number one. You got that?"

"Mhm!" you smile. You never doubted his abilities in the first place. "Just don't become an airhead."

"Aw shut it." he responded.


"I knew she had cash, but not that she was loaded.." Denki mumbled.

You were all standing in front of Yaomomo'

Upon ringing the doorbell, Yaomomo's voice immediately greeted you all, and the gates opened.


"I couldn't feel any more out of place right now.." Ojirou said. 

You were all seated in the Great Hall of her home. Dear lord Yaomomo, you're loaded..

Momo came in pushing a tea cart filled with cakes and Wedgwood. You all look at the bustling girl as she bounced with happiness.

"Is something wrong?" the sweet girl asked.

"No not at all!" you all responded. 

What brilliance!


Everyone studied and trained for the upcoming final exams. Continuously going to Yaomomo's house and studying with Shouto later in the day, you felt enlightened on everything you hadn't known previously. These two were life savers! In return, you taught them organic chemistry and what they should definitely know. 


The day of the first written exams had arrived. You hugged your study group and then Shouto in a thank you for helping you. 

"You'll do fine." Shouto murmured to you as he kissed your cheek and left to sit at his desk. 

You gripped your .5 pencil in anguish and stared at it. 

I WILL pass you, test. 

The next three days of testing made you more and more confident. After seeing the test the first time, you would go and study later that night on stuff that should be in the next segments. 

On the third day, you managed to finish your long essay portion 10 minutes before the bell. You sighed faintly with relief. 

"Alright, pencils down. Last person in each row, pick up the tests."

As the people in the last seats of each row picked up tests, you fell asleep. Shouto walked by to pick up yours and saw that you were out cold. Smiling faintly, he continued to walk.


Just like that, our three days of written exams was over. All that was left was the biggest hurdle - the practical exam. 

You. - Todoroki Shouto x Female! Chubby! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now