Chapter 29

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4k+ reads, thank you so much, all of you! I didn't think that this story would ever even get passed 100 :,) This means a lot to me as both a writer and as a person, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.)

It Will Rain - Bruno Mars)

You immediately ran down the stadium stairs and back towards the arena. You were beginning to feel your anti-depressants wear off and you would soon take them after your match. Not like the medication was really doing much in the first had been of them for a while and it caused you to go into a temporary slump. Soon enough it was time for the battle between you and Bakugou. You really wanted to talk to Shouto but you had to attend to your best friend first. 

Doll 💮

Wait for me after my fight in the waiting room. I wanna talk with you. :)


I will. I'm going to watch your fight now. Good luck.

You put your phone away and walk towards Bakugou. Fingers twitching in anticipation with the emotions that you really wanted to suppress. Your anti-depressants had been keeping you from feeling this way during the matches, but the effects were going away. 

"You're gonna feel this one, dumbass." he smirked.

"Hey, I fulfilled my promise of meeting you in finals! Now we see who gets to win!" you grinned nervously.

In reality, you were beginning to crack.


"OH! That's another explosive right hook into her side! Can she take any more before it's all over?" Present Mic narrated. 

You doubled over in pain as Bakugou prepared his fist again. You knew he hit really hard, but not THIS hard. 

"You little shit..." you cough out, as blood spilled through the sides of your mouth. You were pretty inexperienced with hand to hand combat, while Katsuki excelled. You were too dependent on your Quirk and fighting from a far range. Those boxing lessons were not working against Katsuki, he could see your every move. 

"Get up." he stated. He knew you could still fight. He sent an explosion at you as you gasped and liquidated. You hid for a moment under the smoke to gather yourself before being found by yours truly. You had no idea how much more you could take. 

Katsuki grabbed you by your collar and blasted you in the face at point blank range. You inhaled more smoke as you were sent back, reeling. Using your palms, you pressured water to stop you from getting out of bounds. 

Your entire body was on fire. You felt bruises all over you and you were pretty sure that Bakugou's many right hooks had fractured your ribs. Raising your hands towards him, you sent out a pressured, immense stream of boiling water. Bakugou barely dodged it as he got in close to explode you again. Getting away, you were beginning to feel dehydrated. Slightly dizzy, you stood and staggered. Katsuki was relentless, hitting you again and again, explosion after explosion. 

You admired that he didn't go easy on you. 

You would have been angry with him if he did. 

"What the hell is up with you? You're being slow. You're LETTING me hit you." Katsuki stated as he punched you in the gut, an explosion following right after. 

You coughed up more blood as Katsuki kept going. You had no idea why you were being like this. You had kept up the happy shtick long enough, why was it beginning to fail you here? You had only been genuinely happy when you were around Shouto. But you had been lying to yourself the rest of the time that you thought you were okay. were distracted. 

Your mind strayed back to a conversation you had with your father the day before.


Tears ran down your face as your father shoved you against the wall. His anger was beginning to show and you were afraid of what he would do to you with his Quirk. Will he contort your body in a weird way? Would he mutate your atomic composition? Possibilities were endless. You felt so scared. Your mother just stood to the side, not being able to look at your father as he harmed you.

"You really are an idiot, aren't you? We only had you so your Quirk could be the best of both worlds. With your mother's Hydrokinesis and my Atomic Manipulation, you should be able to do anything with your Quirk. Yet here you are, playing games, listening all of this stupid, no good music and dancing around your room like some freak. How will Endeavor even WANT to have you marry Shouto? You're a disappointment to the highest degree. Your training in hand to hand combat is sub par, at best. Your Quirk is poorly trained. You think you're gonna get anywhere being this useless? Maybe we've been too easy on you. It's time to request for the hardest training possible at U.A. You'll be positioned with your cousin Nejire for the rest of the year so she can show you how a real hero handles things. You really think you can be a hero?Don't make me laugh. I might even pity you."


Blood spilled out of your mouth. This all kinda felt useless, to be honest. Why have heroes and villains? Why have Quirks in the first place? You were lost in your head as Bakugou grew angrier. 

A punch to the face is what you received. 

"You're disrespecting me as a person if you think that you can go easy on me and act like a fucking ragdoll, getting thrown around." His expression raged. "Show me what you're made of and don't hold back! SHOW ME WHO YOU WANT TO BECOME, DUMBASS. DON'T LET THEIR WORDS STOP YOU FROM GETTING TO WHERE YOU WANNA BE. NO ONE ELSE MATTERS HERE BUT YOU. SO STOP WITH THE SELF-PITY BULLSHIT AND FIGHT ME THE WAY YOU SHOULD." he yelled at you. 

You stood slowly, starting to feel more anxious. Were you really cut out to be a hero? You weren't the greatest at anything really. Did you even deserve to be this far into the festival? Your happy mood slowly dissolved until you really showed yourself. 

"Alright, Katsuki. Let's do this the way we should." You said, slowly crouching down and putting your hands on the ground. You didn't know if this would work, but you let out the secret move that you had been training for all these years up until now. Using the last of the water in your system and manipulating the water under the surface of the planet, you released your attack.  

You called it Riptide. 

A surge of water exploded out of the ground and consumed the entire stadium floor, waves of primordial H2O that you had pulled from the depths of the Earth crashing and destroying anything in their wake. Katsuki gasped as you sent it towards him. There was no way that he would be able to survive this. Using it as a last resort, he propelled himself into the air with his explosions, staying up there to avoid the tsunami-like conditions. 

Your vision had black dots, and everything around you was spinning. The crowd had begun to go into a panicked state, students trying to see what was happening from the stands. The waves carried you off as you had been brought underneath your own Riptide. Panicking, you struggled to get away from all this. You absorbed water from this attack but it wasn't helping, this was just your own body telling you that you have passed your limit. You passed out as your head had gone under the waves. 

You. - Todoroki Shouto x Female! Chubby! ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora