Chapter 26

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3.5k+ you kings and queens wow ily uwu ALSO, I opened up my requests, so go check that out please!

Naive - RKCB)

You walk through the passageway holding hands with Todoroki. You were uber soft and you couldn't help blushing.

You, THE (y/n), (the coolest person you know) were gonna go out with the softest boy on the face of this planet. A stupid smile made it's way to your face as you chuckled to yourself.

"What's up?" Todo asked as he looked at you. 


Soon the event introduction had began. You were all to draw lots to find out who you were up against. Drawing out a card, your first match was against...Kirishima. (ily Tetsutetsu but for the sake of this fic he isn't in the competition!)

You look at Kirishima and smile. 

"No matter who wins, we take each other out for chicken!" you grin.

"Got that right, dudette!" he laughs. You both fist bump. 

Before the event was to start, the other students were to participate in recreational sports activities. You cheered on the girls and eventually joined them in their cheerleading, couldn't hurt if Aizawa said you all had to, right?

You were helping your gal pals cheer until you were told to change back into your P.E. uniform. Doing so, you made your way to the stands with the other competitors. The first match of the final event was between Deku and Shinso. You were wary of who would win this, since you were aware that Deku breaks his bones when he uses his Quirk. After some strange conversation, Izuku suddenly started to turn and walk away. 

"What happened there, Katsuki...?" you ask your best friend. He seemed stumped for a moment. 

"Stupid Deku wouldn't give up. This guy must have some kind of mind control Quirk."

Suddenly, a rush of air went through the stadium, and Deku was back in control. 

At the expense of his fingers, however. 

The fight was soon over, with Shinso losing. 

The next fight was between Todo and Sero.

You watched intently as your (hopefully new boyfriend uwu) stared down Sero. Midnight called the match and soon they began. Todo gave Sero a head start and afterwards, Todoroki froze the entire stadium in a colossal mountain of ice. When he sent out the attack, it felt as if an earthquake had happened. 

'All that just to freeze Sero in place?..Something isn't right.' You thought. 

"Tell the truth, Sero...can you move at all?" Midnight asked.

"How could I?! I-I'm f-f-freezing!" He cried.

"Sero has been immobilized! Todoroki wins!"

The crowd cheered for both of them as Todoroki went to unfreeze Sero. However, you noticed that his movements were slowed. Sad. 

In that moment, Todoroki seemed solemn.

You watched him walk away after the match and soon enough, everyone else's matches come up next. It was time for the match between you and Kirishima. You both walk onto the platform and you both salute to each other. 

"One is your modern day Aqua Woman who packs a sopping punch! The Hero Course's (y/n)(l/n)!" Present Mic yelled as the crowd cheered. "The other, a manly, passionate fighter made of rock! The Hero Course's Eijirou Kirishima!" he roared. The crowd's cheers eventually die down and soon enough, the battle began. You immediately begin a full on sprint at Kirishima, as he sprinted at you. 

"LET'S DO THIS BUDDY!" you yell, your fighting spirit ever-lit. 

"GIVE IT ALL YOU GOT!" he responded. You both collide fists and as soon as you do, you liquidate and move right underneath him. 

Kirishima looked confused as he looked at where you once stood. "h-huh?" 

You suddenly spring up from underneath him and hoist him up on your shoulders!

You turn on your heel and grabbing onto Kirishima's ankles, you slam your buddy into the cement. He used his hardening Quirk just in time but suffered from recoil. He quickly got up and started throwing punch after punch at you. You released a stream of boiling water in his direction and he dodged it, said stream of water melting the cement. 

'This is my chance!' you realized. 

You quickly absorb the melted cement and grimace at how thick it felt in your bloodstream. Kirishima knocked your legs out from underneath you and you took the chance to let out the absorbed cement. Instantly cooling it as soon as it touched Kirishima, you immobilized him!

"Kirishima is immobilized! (l/n) is the winner!" Midnight said. The crowd cheered at you both as you both high fived and you let Kirishima go.

"That was great!" you yelled.

"Sure was! Good game, dudette." he responded, as you both walk back to the stands.

You. - Todoroki Shouto x Female! Chubby! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now