Chapter 30

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The Night We Met - Lord Huron)

You woke up in Recovery Girl's infirmary. You had been cleaned up and changed into your U.A. uniform, since it was probably all they found in your school locker. Your (h/c) locks had been taken out of the ponytail that you put it in to keep out of your face during your fight. Looking around and shying away from the fluorescent lights, you see that you were alone. Recovery Girl came in eventually, and she noticed that you were awake.

"Oh! It's good to see you up and about, dear. You took quite the tumble there." she states as she sits in her office chair. 


"By the way. I filled up your prescription for are you feeling, dear?" she asked.

"I'm fine..wait, found them in my bag??" you realized. You began to panic, since no one was supposed to know about those. 

"Yes, the Todoroki boy brought in your bag. He didn't open them though. However, he did stick around enough to see me take out the bottle." she said. "Don't fret, though. He said he wouldn't say a word."

You closed your eyes and swung your legs over the bed. 

"What..time is it?"

"It's currently 7 P.M. I could call someone to come get you--"

"No need." A voice piped up. It was Shouto, who had been waiting at the door. His arms were crossed as he watched you move about. 

"Todoroki! Good to see you, dear. And thank you for taking her home."

"The pleasure's all mine, Recovery Girl." he replied to the old woman, and he helped you up. Grabbing your bag, he led you out as you bid your farewells to Recovery Girl.

Once reaching the gates of the school, you noticed that Shouto stopped. Slowly, he reached into your bag and pulled out the pill bottle.

"(y/n)." he said. He was not looking at you, but at the bottle.

"...yeah?" you respond. 

"When did this start? And why?" he asked softly. 

You hesitated in your answer. Did you really want to talk about your life story here?

"Can I tell you..somewhere else?"

Shouto looked at you. His eyes betrayed his tired state and he nodded.

"You can crash at my house." you said. He nods once more and follows you on the way home. His fingers had been intertwined with yours the whole time that you walked.

Getting home, you see your parents speaking to Endeavor in the dining room. You and Shouto paused upon seeing your parents exchanging papers.

"Ah, (n/n), Shouto. Good to see you two! Good job in the festival!" Your mother said. "Come and sit down."

You and Shouto slowly sat down, tired out. You were both weary about what had been spoken about here.

"We want to know how you two feel about each other." Your mother asked, sporting a look of childish interest, like a teenager waiting to hear gossip.

You and Shouto both look at each other in confusion before you answer your mother.

"Is this a trick question?"

"Answer." Your father sternly stated.

"We're going out." Shouto said. You looked at him in surprise.

Your parents looked elated. 

"Good! That saves us the trouble of making you guys get to know each other."

"You two are to be married. No argument will be made against such agreement." Endeavor said. "Furthermore, with your combined Quirks, you two can create the perfect offspring to continue our Todoroki lineage."

You sat there in shock as you stared at the pro hero. Shouto stood and dragged you out of the room.

"SHOUTO, GET BACK HERE." his father roared, getting up to go after him.

"Leave us alone, bastard!" Shouto finally yelled back. He dragged you out the door and slammed it, beginning to run with you. You had been completely surprised at the way that Shouto spoke to his father, finally having enough of just being his pawn. You had no words as you ran after Shouto, following him to the middle of a park. Getting under the rock wall that children usually played on, you both stop. He looked troubled as he rested against the inside of the climbing wall and slid down, panting. You sat next to him and look at him, hoping to see some type of reaction.

"I...I'm sorry-- my stupid father has you locked in, doesn't he? He probably payed your parents to be with me-- I'm so sorry--" he stated, his anger rising. His layers were beginning to be torn down, the mental damage that he has been suppressing under a cool and calm demeanor disappearing. 

You realized that Todoroki really went through the worst to be here. And it was finally beginning to show. How could he not have some kind of trauma, after all he went through? His hands went to his ears as he stared at the ground. He was silent, playing with his earlobes a little to calm down.

There was a quirky thing about him. He did that to his ears to calm down. 

Never really seeing this side of Todo, you gently put your hands over his. 

"I hate Quirk marriages. I hate them so much--" he mumbled. "I'm afraid I'll hurt you, the way he hurt my mother." he continues. "I know that I can be my own person. But what if I mess up, and I--" his words were cut short as your lips came into contact with his. You wanted to stop him from feeling this way. Your lips gently move against his, and he responds, albeit slowly. He seemed hesitant, almost. Unsure of how to continue. You gently pull away and kiss his forehead, then his cheeks softly. 

"There." you hummed. You blushed at your actions and look away while covering your face. 

"(y/n).." he said. His expression softened as he recollected himself. Finally inhaling and exhaling to get rid of the anxiety, he went back to his usual calm demeanor. "Thank you."

You smile and uncover your face a little, peeking at him. 

"Just for the record..I..wouldn't mind marrying you." was all you said. Todoroki blushed in response, not knowing what to say.

" father.."

"What about him? What about my parents? Even if we had kids, there's no way in hell they're getting their grimy hands on them. They'll have to kill us first to try. And Shouto, you are your own person. Don't let your own blood get in the way of who you want to be. Where you came from doesn't matter. It's where you're going that does. Now answer me you want to be a hero?"

"Yes." he stated. You notice him hesitate less now when he said that. 

"Then focus on that and you'll be okay. So what if this is a Quirk Marriage? To them it is, but not to us. You and I can do whatever we want. In the end, they can't control our lives." you began. "We decide who we want to be."

He gazed at you for a moment before looking down.

"Today's been a roller coaster. I was afraid I had lost you today when we couldn't find you under all that water. I used my left side. And then I got second place." he said. He was staring at his hands as he spoke.

"Sorry about that, by the way. Katsuki just made me realize some important stuff. I spoke about finding resolve all the time when I couldn't even do it myself." you said. "my dad just kinda ruins my life all the time."

"Is that why you take those pills?" Shouto asked. 

"Yes and no. There's a much bigger story to that." you responded. 

"...We have all the time in the world here." he softly said. You smile a little. 

You. - Todoroki Shouto x Female! Chubby! ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon