Resembool, Part II

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Knocks came to my door, reaching out to me in the dead of night.

Not that I had been sleeping very much before...

Ed gave me a small grin, when I opened the door, and I caught the blush on his face even in the dim moonlight.

"I... Uh, well, I can't sleep." he said simply.

I leaned out of my room, feeling the heat radiate from underneath his shirt as I looked down the hallway. His breath caught, too, and I almost sighed. He was going to be thoroughly disappointed if he thought we were doing anything other than sleeping tonight...

I took his hand in mine, seeing that wide childish grin come to him as I pulled him into my room and closed the door.

As I crawled back to bed, I felt his hand trailing the skin of my ass, fingertips spreading as he reached the top, curving over and on my back as his palm matched the arch of my cheek. I felt my breath slip from my lungs. He wanted to? Here?

I sealed myself, the part that wanted to flip onto my back and spread my legs wide, let him hold himself over me, lips capturing the skin of my neck. Engorged, fabric-covered cock grinding against intimates that were just begging for him...

I locked it away, continuing to crawl and shift onto my side, bring the covers up with one hand.


I felt his grin quirk up a little more, playfulness coming back. I glanced to the side, enough to catch his gaze. Send him a small smile of my own.

He snuggled into bed with me, arms wrapping around and enfolding me in his embrace. The temperatures contrasting, seemingly even hotter this time. It was a little strange, but maybe I'd gotten cold enough to really notice how warm he was.

I did what I could to nuzzle my cheek against the inner part of his shoulder, towards the center of his chest, arm below him and between the sheet wrapping around. For a moment, for a split second, I thought I felt him shake. The smallest of vibrations in some distant part of his spine.

Whatever it was, I didn't want him to feel it. Even if it was my mind playing more tricks on me, I curled my arm, bringing my hand to his back. The spot I had thought I felt something. Moving my hand over, almost feeling like I was wiping something on my palm on his shirt...

I was horrible at this... I could only "comfort" when I had my throat stuffed and my lips stretched wide.

He held me a little tighter anyway, almost burrowing his face into the corner of my neck. Telling me, like he could hear my thoughts, that I shouldn't be so hard on myself.

I tried to block out that voice, knowing I didn't deserve to hear it.

I stayed there, for a while. In the silence of our room, listening to the patterns of noise outside. I had cracked the window a little bit, and occasionally the most distant of breezes came in. Rolling over my skin, igniting the slightest of goosebumps. I wondered if Ed was cold, if he had that blanket nearby, but this time he just held me a little more in his sleep. Continuing to breathe a little deeper than before.

I moved, resting my forehead against his jawline. Eyes shutting to the small gleam his automail made across the moonlight, some thought bubbling up to my mind.

Some question that never fully formed; some word I couldn't find, feeling I couldn't place. I nearly identified what it was, the briefest distant flash of something before I ripped it out of my conscious, letting sleep overtake me again.


Voices drifted through my hazy brain, eventually making sense. The first one I heard was Winry's.

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