Chapter 21

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I dedicate this chapter to Drummstixx


Kim Seokjin, or rather Jin was the man you went to if you needed a bit of cleaning up. He was an assassin used by the most powerful people to get rid of their enemies. He made murders on Criminal Minds look like fairy tales. But the best part about him was that you couldn't tell it was him. His character,out of his job was absolutely different. He was funny,charming and charismatic. You literally couldn't tell he was a hitman. Which explained the surprised face on Namjoon's face when he saw the guy from the club.

"Hey handsome. We meet again," he flirted.

"What are you doing here? How do you and Hoseok know each other?" Namjoon asked

Jin just licked his lips,giving Namjoon a once over that gave him a hard on. He could come out clean and say that he was spying on him this whole time at Hoseok's behest,but then where was the fun in that? Also,he may or may not have developed a tiny crush on his target. Behind that sunny smile that was Hoseok,lay an unbelievably paranoid person. He believed in the saying, keep your friends close,your enemies closer and those that didn't stand anywhere near the two closest.

Personally Jin couldn't give a flying fuck about their past. But then he'd seen Namjoon and goddamn the guy was handsome. But he knew that in his line of work,you never let emotions get in the way. They made you either weak or dead. Whichever came first. Anyway back to the situation at hand.

"Hoseok's a friend of mine. He said he needed a little help tracking someone," he wasn't exactly lying,he just wasn't telling the complete truth.

"Whatever,I don't have time for this," Namjoon brushed him off and going into the office leaving him standing there.

Jin just smirked and said,"We'll see."

Namjoon on the other hand was beyond lethargic. He hadn't slept in days,he hadn't eaten and worst of all,he had to put up with his boyfriend's side piece. Needless to say,he was not a happy man.

"Any leads?" He asked to the people present. The pitiful stares sent his way told him what he needed to know. Fuck,if there was anything worse than having your boyfriend kidnapped;people pitying you.

"Will you relax. We have to stay positive for his sake," the voice belonged to Taehyung. And Namjoon wanted nothing more than ripping the guy's throat out and feeding it to his dead corpse. Wow,where did that come from?

"The last thing I need is you talking to me. And the fuck do you think you are? You think you know what's good for my boyfriend?! Huh?" He asked pushing Taehyung who just spotted a blank face. If he was scared,he certainly didn't show it.

"This is exactly what he talked about,"Taehyung said,"he said you always treated him like a doll. Not a person. To you he's just a pretty little thing you have. But I bet you your life,you don't even know what his favourite colour is."

"You're spewing bullshit. What does colour have to do with anything?"Namjoon asked just getting more agitated.

"You don't get it. Why do you think he latched onto me so fast? He's emotionally starved. Granted none of us knew anything about his past but still. He's needy. I gave him what he never got from you. Or anybody for that matter. I gave him love!" Taehyung declared.

"Bullshit! You know nothing about what we have!" Namjoon bellowed out in anger.

"Actually I do. Because Jungkook told me everything. What you have is a business arrangement. Either that or a slave contract. You don't love him. You don't even know the first thing about him!" Taehyung also screamed. Namjoon raised his fist ready to break someone's jaw when Hoseok called out.

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