Chapter 19

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This book is dedicated to ridinginbluejeeps


Jungkook wake up feeling like a train ran over him. He was disoriented and was slipping in and out of conciousness. The first thing he did when he came to was throw up. He threw up so bad he thought he was dying. Maybe he was.

"Guys I think we put too much chloroform. Was this supposed to happen?" He heard a voice say. But it felt like he was underwater with how muffled the voice came out.

"Will you shut up? God your annoying," another voice snapped.

Who were these people? And what did they want with him? This was all so fucked up. He was too weak to do anything and soon passed out again.


"What the flying fuck are you doing here?" Namjoon barked out glaring daggers at Taehyung who wanted nothing more than for the ground to open up and swallow him whole at the moment but also wanted to make sure Jung kook was OK. Something in his gut told him something was wrong.

"Is....Is Jung kook here?" He asked scratching the back of his neck. Something he did when he was frustrated.

"Wow,the nerve of you. Why,were you planning on eloping together?" The thought of that made Namjoon want to break the guy's nose...or cranium. Whichever was possible.

"Look I don't want to cause any trouble. He was the one that suggested it and I just want to make sure he's OK," Taehyung said. To be honest he didn't mind if the boy changed his mind. Maybe he was lying. The thought of it made his chest hurt but if Jung kook was safe and sound,he'd be at peace.

"Namjoon what's taking so long? Jungkook's missing and we don't have time to waste,"

The look on Namjoon's face couldn't get any worse but apparently it did.

"What,Jung kook's missing? Let me in please I can help," Taehyung said pushing past Namjoon and getting in the room as well to find people staring at him.

Namjoon on the other hand came back pissed.

"Look I don't care whatever liaisons you had with my boyfriend but we don't need your help," Namjoon said literally one step away from a mental breakdown.

"Namjoon why is this guy here? Actually never mind that,why is he standing here frantic about your boyfriend?" Hoseok asked but when he looked at the sour face on Namjoon he connected the dots,"Oh."

"Look I get that am the last person you want to see right now but I l.... I care for him. I just want him to be OK," Taehyung said pleading with Namjoon.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Jimin asked utterly confused. Really,how did this involve him? He should be in his hotel room,doing lines of coke and having sex with Yoongi but once again Jung kook ruined his evening and he wasn't even there.

"God you're stupid. This is Jungkook's man and side piece all in one room. There," Youngjae explained rolling his eyes.

"Jung kook has Taehyung as his side piece?! Jimin asked in disbelief. Damn for being an annoying brat,the guy has taste. He thought as he ran his eyes over the fine specimen standing before him. He needed to up his game too. You know,just in case he and Yoongi didn't work out. His career as a model couldn't sustain his shopping and coke habits. That's why Yoongi was there.

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