Chapter 2

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When Jungkook finally arrived in LA he was lost. Literally. He knew that getting what he wanted wasn't going to be a walk in the park. But one thing the kid was good at was strategy. He had it all mapped out and about two back up plans. Just in case.

First he opened a safety deposit box where he hid his stacks of cash and stolen merchandise. Then he looked for a flat. Not a pricey one,oh no,he didn't need unnecessary bills. It was modest,shabby actually and he shared it with two other people. A Latino named Alejandro. He said he was an aspiring actor. He wanted to be the next Antonio Banderas. And a nympho named Topaz. She was once an aspiring writer but now all she did was fuck guys and looking for a rich old man to take care of her.

After a few weeks of settling in he tried to audition for music companies but racism was a big factor here. Most didn't want a wannabe Asian kid. Jungkook was furious when he left and his stone cold heart withered everyday. Soon he had to get a job. He knew if he couldn't get in through the front door,he'd check out the back door as well.

There was also a problem here. His face. It was pretty. Pretty young. It screamed out baby boy and for once (actually for another time he hated it). So he resorted to charm. His flatmate Alejandro helped here. He somehow managed to get Jung kook a fake ID and soon he got a job at the Luxe Rodeo Drive Hotel in Beverly Hills.

He was a waiter there. The pay wasn't so bad. But what got raked him money was his face. Again. Actresses, singers,models all flocked there to get served by the beautiful boy. It was flattering at first but then it got annoying. He wanted record producers or company owners. But all he got were rich,entitled bitches that wanted to fuck him.

He wanted to scream at them. That he was a faggot. A raging homosexual that was obsessed with dick. He didn't say that obviously. They tipped him generously. The closest he ever came to achieving his dream at stardom was when a porn star slipped him his number.

Jung kook was desperate. But not that desperate. He soon came to understand why Topaz was the way she was. He also understood that Hollywood wasn't all glitters and sparkles. He couldn't count the number of times he'd come close to losing it and telling his entitled prick of an employer to go suck it. Finally he had enough. His boss,a fat balding guy he was sure took Viagra to get it up was yelling at him because Jung kook had refused to service some rich guy's wife.

It was an offer he heard often. Many bored housewives of rich Hollywood hotshots scouted boys like him. They'd set them up in a high end apartment,then use them for sex whenever they felt like. Had he been straight,he'd have done that a long time ago. But he really couldn't stand women. It wasn't his fault. But his boss didn't see it that way. He'd cost him a high end customer by refusing.

Jungkook having had enough of the old cunt,pushed him off the stairs and watched him fall. He was sure he wasn't dead. It was only one flight of stairs. He stole from the old guy's pockets and strolled out of the hotel, completely unbothered.

After that he had a series of jobs. Each worse than the last. It was times like these he wished his parents had used condoms. A year rolled by with him nowhere near stardom.

The back door was closed too. He was about to give up. When one day Alejandro and Topaz decided to take him clubbing on his birthday. Since they were all not straight,they went to a gay bar.

Alejandro and Topaz got him drinks and he got smashed. He took out all of his frustrations on drinking. Topaz also slipped him a tiny little pill. While Jung kook didn't do drugs,he needed a release. He got fucked up. Which was why it didn't come as a surprise when he woke up in another man's bed the next morning.

The place was pretty luxurious. It was where he wanted to be. But by himself not like when he had to prostitute himself to dear old Johnny. He looked over to the guy. He was pretty cute with dimples and all and that made Jung kook feel a tad bit better. He quietly slipped on his clothes,stole cab money from Mr Dimples and left,although his prostrate hurt like a bitch. The guy was hung, that much was certain.

As he got back to his house his roomies were there cheering for him for turning 16 with a cheap birthday cake. They didn't know it but Jung kook was eternally grateful. No one had ever done something like this for him. They were the closest thing he had to a family.

"Holy shit Kookie,where'd you go last night?" Topaz asked as she licked the cream of his cake.

"You didn't see? He left with this hot guy. You little shit,am so jealous of you!!!!" Alejandro screeched.
"Fuck, our little baby got his cherry popped yesterday," Topaz said.

"You dumb bitch,i had my cherry popped when i was thirteen," Jung kook replied casually as he went to his room to sleep." If you guys finish my cake am gonna put cyanide in your food next time I'm cooking."

They knew better than to take that risk. They both knew he'd actually do it. Jung kook called his manager and put up an excuse not to turn into work and slept for the whole of that day.


Cue a few weeks later as he was working as a waiter in a small but chic bistro,in came Mr Dimples.

"Well well well, if it isn't pretty boy from the club," he said approaching Jung kook." You know its rude to leave someone like that. I didn't even catch your name."

"Didn't see why you'd need it,really. What were the odds of us meeting again?" Jung kook retorted.

"Fair point," Mr Dimples replied. "So what time do you get off? I want to get to know you more."

"I could sue you for Paedophilia you know," he taunted trying to get Mr Dimples off his back.

"I could sue you for underage drinking too,"

Damn the guy was good. But it was refreshing. He actually met a guy that could match his wits.

"One date you jerk,then you leave me alone," he bargained.

"Whatever you say........"

"Jung kook ," he answered rolling his eyes.

That night they talked at the bistro once Jung kook was done with his shift. He learned the guy's name was Namjoon. As they were talking, Prince's song Purple rain came on and the boy couldn't help but sing along. Namjoon was impressed. He felt as if an angel were singing.

"Have you ever considered a singing career?" Namjoon asked innocently. Truth was he owned Monster Music Label. It was a fairly successful company.

"Its actually why i came here. But so far I've had no luck." Jung kook replied sheepishly.

"Well,here is my business card," Namjoon said handing over his card," once you feel you're ready,come to the address written there."

The boy was elated. His dreams were finally about to come true. A week later he took a leap of faith and went to the Label in Hollywood Boulevard. He was amazed. Start up company his ass. The place resembled a palace. He had to audition for formalities but he knew he'd get in.

Namjoon presented him with a contract. Jung kook wasn't stupid though. He read all through it before signing and called up a lawyer just in case.

From that moment on that was it for him. They prepped him for a year and he debuted. That was it for him. He never looked back. He made hit after hit and by the time he was twenty he had five Grammies under his belt. Namjoon had guided him every step of the way and when he found out Jung kook was underage,he promised to wait for him to be an adult to date him.

They were one of Hollywood's power couples despite their ah difference. He became famous and helped his two friends. Alejandro finally got to be a movie star and Topaz was able to have her script adapted into a movie that won an Emmy award.

Life was finally looking up for him right? Wrong. Very wrong. His stardom didn't come without its faults. But Jung kook was a survivor and if he'd gotten through his miserable life,he could get through Hollywood.

He had his friends and Namjoon with him ,what could possibly go wrong?

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