Chapter 13

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This chapter is dedicated to Romance


Jungkook was busy the next couple of days. But he never failed to talk to Taehyung. After their last sex session he felt as if he was in sex paradise. But right now he was in bed with Namjoon and the guy was kissing down his neck. He wanted sex,Jung kook could tell. Problem was,he didn't want it. At least not with Namjoon. He tried prying him off.

"Um Joonie baby,as much as I love you,don't you have some work you need to finish? A meeting,anything?" He said sighing as Namjoon left a hickey on his neck.

"Not today babe," Namjoon replied licking behind his ear," I wanted us to spend sometime together. It's like you have no time for me these days."

Jung kook rolled his eyes. He closed them trying to fake enthusiasm. If he seemed into it,maybe Namjoon would finish fast.

"Um....babe,what's this on your neck? It looks like a......hickey?" Namjoon asked and this sent Jung kook in a sense of panic.

Shit,think you idiot!

"Um......the other day at Topaz' place we had a dare and she gave me one," he breathed out at once.

No use denying it was a hickey. It would just make it all the more suspicious.

"Oh,OK then. For a second there I thought you were cheating on me. I love you Jung kook," Namjoon said claiming his lips.

Jung kook once again felt his heart in his stomach. Namjoon had once confided in him and told him that his ex cheated on him with his bodyguard. It broke him. That was why he'd gone for Jung kook. He thought that since he was way younger,he wouldn't have the thought of cheating on him. Yet Jung kook couldn't help himself. Taehyung gave him a sort of release he never knew he could. When they talked,conversation came so easy to them. And after they had sex,Taehyung would coo at him. He made Jung kook feel worthy of himself.

He felt torn at this particular moment. See,he knew he loved Namjoon. In his own fucked up way. But Taehyung was quickly breaking down his walls and made him feel special. The guy was obsessed with him,that much Jung kook was sure of. From the random check ups,the cute texts,wanting to know about his day. Things that Namjoon never did for him. Sure he'd given him his career,but Jung kook never felt complete. These days he wasn't even sure he enjoyed Hollywood like he once did.

The paparazzi had somehow found out about his messed childhood. You'd think they'd pity him,but for them it was an excuse to tear him apart with false accusations. One of his former classmates had spilled how he would give blowjobs during recess to TMZ. Jung kook was humiliated. He didn't care that the idiot had said. He was hurt because none of those idiots had ever asked why he did that. None of them even knew what he went through.

Namjoon had released a public statement to the press about some bullshit sob story that had made them back off of him. But Taehyung had called him and listened to him venting and crying and was just.....there emotionally. He didn't even judge him. Namjoon on the other hand was mad at him.

His perception of Jung kook as the innocent boy was destroyed. Jungkook remembered him calling him to his office to chew him out. Somehow he didn't crack. But even then he felt disappointed in Namjoon. For once when Jung kook needed him,he wasn't there. So he'd called Taehyung who just listened to him. Without judgment.

Now he felt conflicted having sex with Namjoon. No matter how into it he forced himself to be,he just couldn't find it in him.

"N...namjoon. C....can we not have sex today? I feel tired," he said honestly. He wasn't lying. He was emotionally exhausted.

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