Chapter 17

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: BAEKTANNED

The awaited day finally came. the opening of the hotel ceremony. It was chaotic for obvious reasons but no one minded. In fact almost everyone seemed to be in a good mood. More celebrities were invited and in about of happiness,Hoseok decided to invite the public. People came in droves. Some for free food,some for the free concert of Jungkook performing and some didn't even know what was happening but still came anyway because,why the hell not? Others,like Mark and his little band of idiots,came because this would present the perfect opportunity to carry out their plans. All they had to do was wait for Jungkook to finish his performance and then they would strike.

Jungkook on the other hand was having a myriad of feelings. He was excited yet anxious to perform. Mainly because of Taehyung being there. Universe seemed to have a habit of playing cruel jokes on him. Another thing was him wanting to speak to Namjoon about their potential break up. He couldn't even find the guy anywhere. The event was supposed to start that evening and Hoseok had paid for everything he'd need to prepare for the event. He'd flown in designers from Milan. Had an arena set up. Even Jungkook's personal dancers were here. Jungkook figured Hoseok was part of the Illuminati with how much money he was blowing om such an event. But with this kind of hotel grandeur,it wasn't hard to figure the guy was beyond loaded.

So for the rest of the day,he decided to deal with the performance first and deal with his pending shit later. But drama was never too far when Hollywood was involved. Within hours,the whole hotel was booked by different celebrities. Some bitched about the top suite being already occupied,never mind by the owner. Some had beef between them and had to be allocated to different wings. An actress even came with her own bed because it was customized. And a cat fight broke between a famous model and a country singer over a room with a nice view. One of them left in a bout of fury. Even Diddy showed up with his son's girlfriend on his arm. But in Hollywood,any publicity was good publicity. But everyone was still in high spirits by the time evening came.

Jungkook was behind the stage doing last minute touches when Namjoon tapped his back,making him jump in surprise.

"Fucking Christ Namjoon,you almost gave me a heart attack!" he exclaimed placing a hand on his chest.

"I just wanted to wish you an awesome performance," Namjoon said,himself in a shaky mood.

"Um....ok. Thanks I guess,"

Something was definitely up because Namjoon never did this unless Jungkook called for him to calm him down. But his thoughts couldn't run because his number was called. He went on stage and put a show stopping performance as usual. All while trying to avoid the one intense stare in the room;Taehyung's stare. He tried to concentrate as much as he could on his performance and not embarrass himself in such a crowd. The crowd was going wild by the time he finished but he was shocked as Namjoon approached him on the stage. Was this a secret performance he didn't know about? 

He continued approaching him till he was near him. The crowd had gone silent in anticipation. He could feel a pit in his tummy. Namjoon then went down on bended knee and everyone around gasped. Jungkook felt sick. No, no,no this couldn't be happening. If there was one thing he dreaded all his life,was marriage.

"Jungkook,"the guy said into the mic for everyone to hear,"I've loved you since I laid my eyes on you.  You're my world,my air and the sweetest person I've ever met. Will you please do me the honors of becoming my husband?"

Jungkook stood frozen. He wanted to throw up all his guts and maybe disappear from the face of the earth afterwards. Shit,shit,shit! Say no you dumb fuck! His brain was in overdrive and in a bout of panic he started panting.  The people mistakened it for joy and started cheering for them.

"Well....." Namjoon prompted.

Say no! Think of Taehyung. Think of your sperm donor's marriage. Do you want to be like them? His brain tried reasoning with him. He looked towards the crowd. Searching for one particular face. He saw a figure of Taehyung rushing out of the arena and a part of him broke. He started tearing up looking towards Namjoon who gave him a nervous smile. He couldn't do this.

Hollywood Gays//VKOOKजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें