
"Kimberly, golly, this isn't working," Marissa muttered, "I'm never getting ten dollars." Kimberly laughed, "dude I know! My dad talks about daniel though to my uncle Jo, but he's to stubborn to admit he likes him. Y'know?"

Marissa nodded, moving her bangs out her face, "same, he's to stubborn to say it. But the feelings are there, I say 'hey dad how's corbyn' he gets all blushy." Kimberly laughed, agreeing, both of them walking to their class.


"Hey dad can we go to Marissa's, we have a project for science and we wanna get it done," Kimberly asks, as she sat next to her dad who was watching t.v with Will. Corbyn shrugged, "sure. I don't see the problem. Does she know you're going?" He asked, as he got up.

Kimberly nodded, "yeah she knows." Corbyn nodded, telling her he'd be down in a second. As he got to his room he out decent looking clothes, cause he wasn't walking out the house with sweats and a white shirt. "Ok, let's go." He said, as he went back down stairs, grabbing his keys.

"Wow dad you look good." Kimberly said, wiggling her eyebrows, "yea dad really good!" Will exclaimed, showing a thumbs up. "Thank you my dearest children," corbyn joked, as he grabbed Will's hand.

"Marissa!" Daniel yelled, "uh-oh." Scarlett, Daniel's younger daughter said, when she heard her dad yell. "Yes father?" Marissa asked, as she walked up to him. "Can you take Scarlett to the living room, my back is Killing me," Daniel said, watching his daughter nod before taking Scarlett.

"Dad y'know," Marissa started, "I know you don't like talking about it but, basically, corbyn is great for you! Hear me out before you send me to my room! He's caring, kind, smart, helpful, cool, and cute-for you, like you're type." She added, making Daniel lightly laugh.

"I know Marissa. He's a good guy I'm not afraid to admit that. And okay, yes, you got me, he's pretty cute. But, he has his two kids and I have my two girls. If we were to ever...be together. How would we ever find the time to?" Daniel said, making his daughter nod.

"Well you do know uncle Zach and Jack always wanted children but never could have any, they could always watch us. Not to mention, me and Kimberly are big enough to watch over our siblings. Dad don't let us get in the way of your live life," Marissa said, standing up, "cause you need one." She finished, making Daniel scoff.

"Oh right! Can Kimberly and them come over? We have a project in science that needs to be d-o-n-e." The 13 year old asked, eating a chicken nugget. "Yeah I don't care." He replied, scrolling through t.v. "good cause they're here!" She cheered, walking to the door. "Wait-im not dressed." Daniel mumbled, as soon as he heard the yells from the two girls.

"I'm will!" The 4 year old boy said, as he walked yo to Daniel. "Hey will, I'm Daniel." Will smiled, "my daddy talks a lot about you. He says you're very handsome." Daniel blushed, "oh yeah?" "Yeah! He even says he would like to, uhm, take you out for dinner but he can't," will says, "he says it's because he never has time. But I say it's because he's scared." Will whispered, giggling at the end.

Daniel laughed, "oh, you're a cute in will. Here's my daughter Scarlett, you guys would get along." Will nodded, sitting next to Scarlett, as they played with toys. "Hi Daniel! Bye Daniel!" Kimberly waved before following Marissa up the stairs.

"Hey Daniel." Corbyn said, as he sat down next to him. "Hey corbyn." Corbyn looked next to the blue eyed boy, "I don't think I've met this one. She's so pretty, she has your eyes." Corbyn gushed, waving to the little girl who waved back. "Yeah that is Scarlett." "Aww she's really cute."

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