"Awesome! Can't wait for my friends to see the awesome people I talk about." James said, "I'm talking about you guys by the way. See ya!" He waved, running back to his car.

"I can't believe he's graduating, Corbs. Where does time go?" Daniel asked rhetorically, wrapping his arms around the tall boy. "I don't know Dani. But I'm sure as hell proud of that boy and glad he didn't go to sleep in his classes anymore."


"For our Valedictorian, James Tuil." The school's principal announced, Daniel, Corbyn, Jonah, Jack and Zach, as well as James parent's, stood up, cheering for the boy, who was a little embarrassed to say the least.

"Man, where do I start? I would like to thank my parents, for always being there for me, and always giving me the best opportunities in life. I love them. I would also like to thank my uncle, Daniel. I met him when I was 4, we were both sad, for being ignored by our friend's, sorry to my 4 other uncle's. I didn't think someone like him would stay in my life, but he did. Same goes for my 4 other uncle's, they are truly amazing, and without them and their guidance, I don't think I would have ever found me. My uncle Dani always taught me it was okay to express how you feel. My Uncle corbyn taught me that taking a few risks weren't bad. My Uncle Jonah taught me to also be humble, no matter what. My uncle Jack taught me that negative thing's, will always have a positive. And my uncle Zach always taught me that you can have fun without doing anything illegal, he's learned from experience," James added, making Zach laugh, as well a few people from the audience.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, that, it's gonna sound really cheesy but, I love you guy's and you mean the world to me, and I appreciate you even if I don't say it at times, and I'm glad we've met, even if you are all old. Okay, Tuil out." James ended, adding a peace sign, before walking off stage, people laughing as James parent's and his uncle's shook their heads from embarrassment.

"James! I'm so proud of you!" Daniel yelled, bringing the boy in for a hug, swaying them side to side. "Thank you dani. Sorry for calling you guys old, but I couldn't lie and say you guys are like 20."

Corbyn laughed, "we're only in our 30s, geez do I look that old?" Zach snorted, "Corbyn you look the oldest of all of us. And Jonah's older! Haha!" Zach laughed, as he watched Corbyn's face go from joking to seriousness.

"Wait- it's the end of the world. I can't look older than Jonah. This is a nightmare." He sighed dramatically, "I think I'm gonna faint." James shook his head, before turning to Daniel.

"Hey Dani. I just wanted to say thank you for buying me ice cream all those years ago. I don't think anyone would ever understand how much you made an impact on my life." James said, watching Daniel smile, as he started tearing up.

"Oh Jamers, you're gonna make me cry, and I don't want too. I'm so proud of you, and you're gonna accomplish so many great things." Daniel went on, making James smile. "Thank you Dani, I appreciate it. I'm glad we were sad, maybe Jack was right a negative turned into a positive, cause look at us now. I graduated and you are-well-you finally got Corbyn to do laundry." Daniel laughed, "I love you Uncle Daniel. For as long as I live."

Daniel now had tears falling from his face, "I love you too Jamers, for as long as I live."

The two boys smiled at each other before turning to look at some of the 18 year old boys friends laughing with Daniel's friend's. "Those dumbasses too, they'll love you till the day they die."


Daniel had kept his promise about loving James to the day he died. Because here James sat, as people who knew Daniel shared their memories about the boy.

James had already been to Jonah's and Corbyn's funerals years before, although this one hurt much more, for obvious reasons. So he had sat next to Jack and Zach who held on to each other as well as James, all three of them crying.

They had just lost an amazing friend once more, and it still hurt more Everytime. It scared James that once Jack and Zach were gone, he'd have nothing but memories and photos of his 5 awesome, cool, idiot uncle's, and that made him sad, he knew his uncle's wouldn't want him thinking that way.

He looked at Daniel's open casket, tears falling from his face as he layed a hand on the browm polished wood, "I love you Uncle Daniel, for as long as I live."


Guys, I actually cried while writing this and that says something cause I never really cry on my own books idk mane, it really hit me.

And idek if that's how a Valedictorian speech goes but for fictional purposes that's how it goes.

I love y'all
Stay gold

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