Harry lifts a part of the long black curtain, dragging the both of us under a section of it.

Once on the opposite side, I had to take a small step back, just to get a good look at everything.

I saw men and women with headsets and clipboards running around, calling peoples names. I saw some of the actors, some socializing and some eating. There was a table with so much food. We walked over to it and Harry grabbed a pastry, a miniature cheesecake and then passed me a miniature piece of carrot cake. I ate it quickly.

“Come on,” Harry said, as I threw away my wrapper in the trash bin. I walked back to him, rapidly. “This way.”

We link hands and Harry speed walks us past the many cast members and the many corners of the set. We appear at a closet door that reads, ‘Amelia.’

Harry knocks, waiting for Amelia to open the door.

“A moment!” She screams.

I look over to Harry and tilt my head, he nods at me, reassuring all is good.

Amelia opens her door. Her hair is wrapped around bendy curlers and she’s got a robe on. How ironic that she happens to be the petite woman in the show, the star.

“Harry!” She shouts excitedly. She reaches forward and hugs him. “Come on in,” she says, motioning with her fingers for us to come into her dressing room.

I ignore the fact that she doesn’t refer to him as Prince.

“Ricardo was about to retouch my makeup for the next show tonight,” Amelia smiles. “Ricardo, Prince Harry is here!”

“Again?” A man shouts. I’m unable to spot him until he walks over to us from behind some counter.

“Harry, you need to stop coming by. You know us all too well… and that’s a bad thing.” The man walks over to us, swaying his hips as much as he can for a man who’s around six foot five.

“Nice to see you again.” Ricardo says, stopping by Harry to give him a hug.

“I feel like I’m not welcomed here anymore,” Harry smiles.

“What would make you feel like that?” Ricardo sarcastically remarks, turning around. He turns to me, gasping. “This your gem?” He says, then grabs hold of both my hands.

Before neither Harry nor I could answer, Ricardo asks, “Gisele, right?”

I smile.

“Oh girl! We’ve heard so much about you! Come in my chair,” Ricardo says. He grabs my right hand and makes me walk over to his makeup chair, which happens to be further away from the entrance of the dressing room than I expected. I look back at Harry to see his arms crossed and his attention on Amelia.


“Can I fix up your look?” Ricardo innocently asks.

“Sure.” I nod. I sit in his black spiny chair and place my arms on the armrests.

Ricardo grabs a comb and starts to tease my hair.

“Either you’re real worried about Harry and Amelia or you’re just real quiet…”

I look at his reflection off the mirror, in front of me. “She’s a great actress.”

Ricardo chuckles as he grabs a large tin bottle of hair spray. “Doesn’t she know it! She’s been on the stage since she was like ten. It all comes natural to her. I mean I would know. I’ve been doing her makeup for ages.”

I smile slightly, “that long, huh?”

“Ya wouldn’t be able to tell, I’m so good aren’t I? She looks like she’s sixty under all that makeup,” Ricardo laughs to himself.

Prince Harry Ih.sIWhere stories live. Discover now