the prom

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The alarm went off waking me up, everyone is excited for the prom but am not don't get me wrong I like to party. But what's the point of going to a party when you know that your boyfriend nor your friend will be there.

Ashley is coming but she's gonna hang out with her boyfriend and I don't wanna ruin her date it's just not fair. I got out of bed took a bath then did my morning routine.

I get out my dress for tonight then tried it on, my dad had sent it to me yesterday he's not at home, he's out in a business trip.

I looked at myself through the mirror and to tell the truth I look good well it's all because of this gorgeous dress and with a bit of makeup and jewelry and I'll be stunning.

I admired my dress once again then whispering under my breath 'what a waste'
I changed my clothes into a t-shirt and pants then headed to the kitchen and there she was, my stepmother sitting like a queen drinking her coffee and reading a magazine.

I walked past her to the fridge and grabbed myself an apple and bottle of water. "Haven't anyone teach you what to say to other people when the sun rises" she spoke up all high. I rolled my eyes I really dislike her.

"Morning" I mumbled under my breath. "What did you say? You're not a baby anymore so make your words clear"
"I said MORNING mrs. Heartfilia" I snapped as I gived her a death glare.

I hated calling her mrs. Heartfilia the only one who deserves to be called like this is my mom and no one else.

"Kaori hun you should know by now that I am your father's wife so you better accept that fact already" I raised my eyebrows as she said that with a smirk not fading from her face.

"Call me mother, once I became the mrs. Heartfilia of this house I considered you my own" she said standing up.

"You will never be my mom" I snapped. "You'll get used to it it's just a matter of time, now wash the dishes and start cleaning the house"

"Oh well if you've not noticed I am not Cinderella and my dad ain't dead yet so you can't control me, you mean nothing to me besides you're not a baby anymore so I believe you can do the cleaning by yourself" I smirked and went back to my room leaving her cursing under her breaths.

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