Am I in love?

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"Where the heck were you? I was so sick worried about you, ya dumbass" Ashley said all in one breath.
"OMG!! Kaori thank God you're back" Sarah said coming to the door and giving me a hug then Emily came giving me a hug as well soon enough we had a group hug which felt nice.

"I missed you too guys" I said laughing.
Happy that I am finally back, but something was missing, somewhere deep in my heart Thomas was there. Dang I miss him so bad.

Me and the girls entered our little apartment and sat down on the couch.
"So how did you manage to come back, I thought I lost you" Ashley asked. "We all did" Sarah continued.

Just then I remembered Thomas again, our first meeting, the kiss on my cheek and everything between.

I didn't notice but I was grinning, my eyes filled with something I never felt in a long eyes filled with love but It was stronger..much stronger than I ever felt for Max. Now that I realized I am in love.

"Well I met that guy" I started. "Ooo someone's in love~" Sarah interrupted me smirking.
"What? noo, we're friends besides we just met" I said not wanting to give in. "Ohh come on I've seen that look before" Ashley said hitting me playfully. "So what's his name?" Ashley asked not letting me denying my feelings any longer.

"It's Thomas" I said standing and walking towards the window looking through it.
Though I couldn't see but I felt the girls smirking. "Is he British?" Emily asked.
"Well he had British accent, so I guess so?" I responded turning my gaze toward the girls.

"Thomas? British?" Ashley mumbled.
"Ash, you ok?" I asked. "DON'T TELL ME THAY YOU MET THOMAS BRODIE SANGSTER" she yelled all of sudden and it made me jump a little.
"Who?" Me and Emily said at the same time.

Sarah and Ashley screamed. While me and Emily stood there confused. Just who in the world is Thomas Brodie gangs- sang or whatever.

"the actor?" Ashley said like it's obvious.
Sarah rolled her eyes and said "he's the same boy who acted in Nanny McPhee DUH"

"Ohhhhh" Me and Emily said at the same time in a voice of realization. "When did he grow up?" I asked.
Ashley slapped her face and Sarah pulled out her phone to show me his picture just then the door cracked open, and a woman came in.

"It's 11 PM already, you've passed the bed time turn off the lights and go to bed right NOW" She yelled at us all of us went to our rooms without even say good night.

I throw myself at the bed then got out my phone from my pocket. I saw that Thomas have send me a message wishing me good night and sweet dreams and calling me Kao..again. I smiled at my phone and responded to him and pulled my phone to my chest and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Never let go of my hand (Thomas Brodie Sangster Story)Where stories live. Discover now