Thomas and Gzi

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Kaori's POV

I saw how Thomas looked at her, his eyes filled with love and the same goes with Gzi.
Do they love each other?
Seeing them like this, made my heart break. I felt something burning in my chest.

Luckily I had a text from Ashley, saying that she can't cover on me anymore. This was the perfect time, I can go now without having them doubting me.

I said my goodbyes and walked off, once I was out of the cafe I began to run, I would say that I was running back to the museum before anyone can figure out that I am gone but obviously that wasn't the truth.

I was running from my feelings.

Thomas's POV

I tried to go after Kaori but Gzi stopped me. "Where are you going?" She asked me. "Give me a minute I'll be right back" I said.
"She said she had to go why are you going after her?" She said looking at me with cold eyes.

"What? No, I..I am meeting Dylan for something really quick" I lied, but what I really wanted was go after Kao and check up on her she wasn't herself when she walked off, I saw that she looked at her phone before she left, she might be in trouble and that's because of me.

"Then we can go together" she said. Just great
"What about your friends" I asked. "I am sure they don't mind" she said. "But-" I couldn't finish because of her dragging me out of cafe.

A/N: sorry that part is short the next one is much longer.
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Later shanks

~Nadeen shhab

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