it's time to say goodbye

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He laughed. "I know you will be the greatest pianist ever" he said smiling but not looking at me. "How could you know?" I asked.

"I know cause what I see in you is a bright star" he said looking at me this time, I smiled and thanked him.

He turned his gaze again to the road.
"So what brings you here? And how do you find London?" Thomas said in his sweet british accent.

"Amazing!! Except for me getting lost but everything else is just perfect" I said and he laughed, then told him about the summer school.

Talking with him is so much fun, I am not sure why but I want to stop the time and stay with him forever and just talk to him, I know I am being selfish but it's true. He brings happiness to my heart, happiness I cant imagine that will ever end.

•Thomas's POV

I saw a girl keeps looking around, I guessed that she's looking for something or someone. I felt like I needed to go help her and so I did.

Later on I noticed that she's the same girl I saw a while ago, when I was walking I passed by her, we looked at each other for seconds then we both continued walking in our ways.

Though it was seconds but I did recognized her but she didn't. doesn't she know that I am an actor or famous?.

Later I knew that she's 17 years old, damn we're 12 years apart, also her name is kaori her name beautiful just like her she had long black hair and kind brown eyes. She looked gorgeous.

In our way to the university she asked me about my life, I was nervous should I tell her? But what if she's like everybody's else she'll get close to me and exploit me for money and attention.

But I don't see that she's that kind of person, her eyes are too kind for that.
Not to mention that she has the sweetest laugh and an innocent smile.

But still I didn't want to let her know just not yet that if we saw each other again, instead I told her about my family's band.
And she gived me the biggest smile, she was grinning like a little child.

I feel like I am falling for her but I can't I love someone else

One hour passed by like flash, we arrived in front of the university's doors, I parked the car and we both got out.

"Kaori!!" A female called her name and came running to us. "Mrs. Anna" kaori said and went running towards her, both of them hugged each other. I felt myself smiling then walked towards them.

"Where the hell were you? I was so damn worried about you" The woman asked, I guess that she's kaori's teacher.
"I am sorry, I am sorry" kaori said, just then the woman noticed me.

"Who are you?" She asked, I introduced myself then explained everything that happened, kaori nodded in agreement.

"Oh my God, thank you so much how can I repay you?" The woman asked me. "There's no need to ma'am, I am glad that I could help" I said looking at kaori who were smiling at me.

'I am gonna miss that smile'
"If you say so, Thomas, thank you again, come one kaori let's get you inside" the woman said and kaori nodded, they started walking away I waved to Kaori, then headed to my car.

"THOMAASS!!" I heard my name being called by a familiar voice. I turned around and saw kaori running towards me, when she got closer she jumped on me, her arms around my neck, I quickly hugged her and put my hand around her waist.

"Thank you so much, I am gonna miss you..Tommy" I heard her whispering in my ear. Damn you kaori, you're making it harder to say goodbye. However it's nice hearing her calling me Tommy.
Not even 'her' calls me Tommy.

I put her down and stared into each other's eyes, her hands still around my neck, and my hands are still around her waist.

"It doesn't has to be goodbye for it own good ya know that?" I said. And I mean it each word, I wanna see her more talk to her more and know her better I don't wanna end it here.

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