new life

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I ran up to them and hugged them still crying. "I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry" I repeated they hugged me back and comforted me. Few days later my parents officially divorced, it really broke me but I had to stay strong for them.

My mom moved to Germany where my brother studies she said when she get house for her own we will move there and stay with her but for now she's staying with my brother in his small apartment and me and my sister are still in Israel with my dad.

I told Thomas about what happened and he offered to come to London but I turned him down though he was disappointed but he respected my decision, he's keeping on touch whenever he can checking on me and my sister since my dad now is working for 20 hours in his company and me and my sister are stuck with our new stepmother and her daughter who is around my age.

Unlike her mom she actually nice and sweet her name is Laura she has long brown hair and blue eyes. And her mom well I prefer not talking about her right now.

The summer went by and it's first September first day of school to be honest this is the first time ever I feel happy for going back to school now I can avoid seeing her (my stepmother) for the whole day.

This is my last year in high school so I am actually excited because after finishing high school I am going to London for college in that way I can see Thomas more often.

I made breakfast before Maria my stepmother wakes up then ate with Lilly after finishing the breakfast I walked Lilly to her school then went to mine.

The day went by so slow probably because of all these girls who kept asking me about me and Thomas I don't really mind because I am kinda used to it but if it kept that way it'll probably start to get annoying.

It's 9 PM and my father hasn't came back yet my stepmother is outside not like I really care and Laura is in her room while Lilly is playing in my room and I am facing time Thomas we were laughing and talking about random stuff.

"So are you excited for the prom next week?" He asked with his sweet British accent and sexy smile damn I miss him. "Ehh you know me I am just like 'ehh whatever' and stuff" I replied frowning. "Ohh come on I am sure you gonna look hot in that dress you showed me earlier" he smirked but I got him back. "What do you mean Tommy? Don't I look hot in my pajamas" I faked being hurt.

"What?! No love come on you know what I mean, you are so beautiful..." he got confused and lost of words and it just made me burst out laughing. "Yeah I love you too babe you look hot as well" I playfully rolled my eyes then we both laughed.

After that he talked a little with Lilly then I talked with his mom and sister who happily greeted me in their family.

Soon enough we hunged up then I went to sleep and so did Lilly. A week later went with the wind and today's the prom I wish Thomas could come and be my date but he can't because of his work damn I'll feel so lonely especially that Ashley gonna be busy with her boyfriend.

Never let go of my hand (Thomas Brodie Sangster Story)Where stories live. Discover now