A sweet one hour.

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I laughed at his behavior, though he messed my hair up but I didn't care.
Somehow I felt safe and relaxed with him, though i don't know him but i felt like we're friends for years.

"So Thomas what are you doing with your life?" I asked him, and his face switched completely from happy to nervous but why?

Did I say something wrong? Maybe he doesn't wanna talk about his personal life, I mean I am just a stranger. Stupid me what was I thinking asking him that question.

I quickly apologized from him looking down
"What are you apologizing for?" He asked but I didn't say anything and turned my gaze towards the window.

Thomas stopped in front of the traffic light, when the red light got lit. He grabbed my head from behind and turned it making me facing him.

"Listen, you didn't say anything wrong ok? And you're not a stranger, though it's been less than hour, but somehow you became one of my closest friends and I hope you accept me as your friend, though it's Sounds crazy and creepy-" he was cut off by me laughing.

"I was thinking the same thing, and yah I would love to" I said smiling but Thomas didn't respond he just stared at me smiling. I felt my cheeks getting warm.

"What?" I asked, he let out a slight laugh and said "nothing, but you look pretty when you smile and you look prettier when you laugh, keep it that way"

Thanks to him now I am blushing so hard that I couldn't hide it, though it was dark but he still saw it. "You look cute when you blush, ya know that kao?"

OMG!! I can't believe it, he called me cute and pretty but also he called me kao How can a small compliment makes me so happy, what kind of magic does he has?

We just stood there staring at each other not saying anything then the red light turned to green light, which meant we had to keep going. Thomas turned his gaze from me to the road and started driving again.

3 minutes have passed with us not saying anything but thankfully Thomas broke the awkward silence. "about my life thing, I was nervous if I should tell you or not, I was scared if I told you who am I you wouldn't like me and see me in another way" he said and that made me confused what is he talking about?

"What do you mean?" I asked. He took a pause thinking deeply about something then he looked at me in the eyes and said "I am a musician" he said.

Hold on, hold on stop the story right there.
HE IS WHAT?? What does that mean? What does he play? Is he famous? What in the hell is going on?
Those questions were messing with my head but they weren't making me mad or upset or sad it made me happy because I love music and I wanna be a musician in the future.

"You're what?" I exclaimed "Thomas that's amazing" "you think so?" He asked not expecting that answer from me. "Of course" he smiled. "Now that's a smile" I said out loud. He laughed and I blushed.

"Why thank you..also me and my family are forming a band"
"SHUT UP..are you serious?" I asked excitment filled my voice "100%" he responded.

"Excuse me for asking, but what is the reason for your enthusiasm to this degree" he asked. "Forgive me for my rudeness, I just love music and I wanna be pianist, it always has been my dream" I said in a very calm shy voice.

Never let go of my hand (Thomas Brodie Sangster Story)Where stories live. Discover now