a confess

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I was about to tear up, but I held myself together. What should I tell her? How can I simply say that Gzi was behind all this? What should I do?

"Thomas?" Kaori called snapping me out of my thoughts. "I am..I...am so sorry, Kaori I..I..couldn't come I got an emergency call and I had to go I couldn't connect with you because my phone..um..uh I forgot my phone at home..I am so sorry" I lied.

I don't know why I exactly lied, but that's what my mind came up with. It's my fault anyway, my fault that she's here.

"I see..well you can't help it I forgive you" she smiled at me. I felt guilty, I wanted to cry.

She can't forgive me, she was in the surgery room about to die because of me and now I lied to her.

Later Kaori fell into deep sleep, soon enough I did too. I slept holding her hand and my head on the edge of the bed.

The next morning I woke up first, my neck was hurting me because of my sleeping position but I didn't really care. I looked at Kaori who was still sleeping. So it's not a dream.

I wrote a note saying that I am going home to change my clothes and be back in around 1 hour. Then left the hospital.

~Kaori's POV

I woke up and Thomas wasn't there, there was only a note beside my bed I took it and read it.

He said he'll be back later, I felt kinda of sad and lonely but I shook it off when I heard the door opened.

"Gzi?" I saw Gzi on the doorway with a sympathetic look on her face.

"Can I come in?" She asked me. "Yeah sure" I responded. She walked in and took a seat beside my bed, she looked a little bit off I wonder what's up with her.

"How are you doing?" She asked, the look on her face not changing. "I am not on my best but good as much as I can be for now" I answered smiling, she returned it with a small smile.

"If you don't mind..can you tell me what happened to you?" She asked worried, I can see it in her eyes.

And yes I am good at reading people and I can see that she actually cares but also her eyes held guilt in them but why?

I didn't give it much thought though and told her what happened. "So you were waiting for Thomas all this time?" She started.

"Well yeah..he wanted to see me for something important and he seemed very serious about it which got me worried, in the end he couldn't make it because of an emergency situation" I explained.

Her face went pale and I don't why, did I said something wrong?
"an emergency situation?" She questioned. "Yeah that's what he told me" after I finished she seemed to be in a deep thought.

"By the way, what's up with you and Thomas? Are you two a thing?" I asked nervously. She looked up at me then gived me a small smile. "Can I tell you a secret?" She asked.

I ain't gonna lie I have a really bad feeling about this, my heart is about to get out of my chest. "Yeah sure" I smiled back.

"To tell the truth I like Thomas, in a way more than friends"

Never let go of my hand (Thomas Brodie Sangster Story)Where stories live. Discover now