I feel like I belong with you

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After a few minutes she pulled away and wiped her tears away then she looked at me. "Thank you for what you did I really appreciate that, and I am..um..sorry for being rude" she said lowering her eyes.

I smiled, a weak one though "No it's fine, if I were you I'll totally do the same, by the way what's your name?" I asked her. "Oh right sorry, it's Ashley, Ashley Alyssa" she replied with a weak smile.

"Will it's not the best place to meet but nice to meet you mrs.Alyssa, name is Thomas" I introduced and offered my hand for her to shake it, she laughed a little and shook it. "Nice to meet you too"

After that she excused herself to go back to her teacher. I waited in the hospital for anything new. At 1 AM finally the doctors got Kaori out of the surgery room they got her in a new room in the second floor.

I kept watching from distance, after one hour finally Ashley and the teacher left the hospital. I took my chance and rushed into Kaori's room, just before I was about to get in the door opened and a nurse came out.

"Can I help you?" She asked. "I want to see the girl who got out from the surgery room one hour ago" I answered. "I am sorry but you can't get in unless you're a member of her family, who are you for her sir?" She asked me.

And because of my stupidity I answered the worst answer, but it was all I could think of that moment. "I am her boyfriend" yup I said it.

The nurse sighed then said "since her family are in another country I'll allow you to come in but don't take so long or tire her, she's asleep if something happened call for me"

"Thank you so much!!" I said then rushed inside the room, and I saw her, lying on the bed, bandage wrapped around her head, small bandages in different parts of her body and her breathing was weak but she was alive. I was so glad to see her alive.

I sat on a chair next to her bed and admired her beauty, I smiled and let out the tears that I kept holding for hours to stream down my face they were tears of joy. I took her hand and kissed it slowly then put it back on the edge of the bed.

"Hey Kao, I know you can't hear me but I just want to say sorry, I am so sorry. Because of me you're now here and were about to die. Who knows what bad things you got through and ended up that way. If I ever didn't come here you..could've been.. dead"

At the thought of her being dead made me tear up more, I wiped them away and continued. "And I can't have you dying on me, you can't I won't let you. You know what? Kao I am so happy that I met you and that you're my friend, with you I feel happy and safe. And you know what else? You're the first person who I show him who I truly am, and act neutrally in front of him. With you I feel like I..like..I..belong"

Just as I say that more tears came out I kissed her forehead then stood up and started to leave just before I was about to reach the door. A weak voice called me

"T..Thomas" it said, I turned and saw Kaori awake looking at me, she raised her hand for me to reach it, I quickly ran back and held her hand. I started to cry not believing my eyes to my surprise she was crying too.

Never let go of my hand (Thomas Brodie Sangster Story)Where stories live. Discover now