'the one who i love is you'

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Ashley said looking at me seriously, she was right I shouldn't give up now. I am sorry Gzi but the battle is on, I'll do my best you may as well do the same.

I opened my phone and texted Thomas.
'Hey Thomas, sorry for my rude behavior this morning and well for running off like that back in the cafe, I really had to go. And sorry for not calling you back I was hanging out with a friend of mind. I want to call you but it's already late.
Sorry again 😅 and thank you for today Tommy I had fun, good night 💕'

After I sent that message, we went to sleep and called it a night for today.

~Gzi POV

After we walked out of the cafe Thomas suddenly stopped in front of the museum I called his name serval of minutes but he didn't respond, he was more focused on that Kaori girl and he seemed worried about her.

After a while we walked to the studio and Thomas had his talk with Dylan, once he was done we went to his house and had a lunch with his family we had a lot of fun but Thomas seemed not in the mood most of the time.

After lunch me and him got into his room I was sitting on his bed playing in my phone. While Thomas was working on something on his laptop.

"Hey Thomas can we talk?" I asked breaking the silence. "Of course what about?" He responded. "Well you see there's that one guy.." I took a pause at this time Thomas was looking at me, this is it now or never.

"Yeah what about him?" He asked snapping me out of my thoughts. Come on Gzi say it!! "Well l may have fell for that guy, you see i loved him for years and I still am, but I think he's..in love with someone else" great smooth Gzi you made it even harder.
"I love someone too" he said
Wait what? He really does?

~Thomas's POV

"Well l may have fell for that guy, you see i loved him for years and I still am, but I think he's..in love with someone else" Gzi said.

Of course what did I ever thought, she wouldn't fall for me, just when I thought I had the chance and here it is flying away from my hands.

"I love someone too, that one and only girl but didn't tell her yet" I responded, that was all I could say she made me speechless.
"I see.." was all she said then both of us went back doing what we were doing sitting in silent awkwardly.

'The one who I love is you' both Thomas and Gzi thought to themselves.

~Gzi's POV

I got rejected, I lost. hope you're happy Kaori, but if I won't have happiness then you won't too, because you stole what its mine, watch over yourself because the battle is on.

Later that night his phone rang because of a notification of a message, I was about to call Thomas name and inform him but stopped when I saw from who it was, it was from Kaori. I know it's none of my business but the curiosity was killing me. So I excused myself to go to the bathroom and took Thomas's phone with me.

Never let go of my hand (Thomas Brodie Sangster Story)Where stories live. Discover now