this is all my fault

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"Where do you think are you going?" A female voice said to me and I didn't recognized it, I turned and saw a girl around Kaori's age, she had short blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Excuse me? It's none of your business there's somewhere else I should be" I said then got ready to walk away. "Oh yeah? Just Like you tricked Kaori to come over and beat her up like she was your doll"

Wait what? I turned again facing her "what are you talking about? I would never do that to her" I said completely confused. "Then who did? You were the one who texted her to come to that construction place and now because of you she's suffering and her life on the line" she said crying.

"What do you mean I didn't talk to her since yesterday's none" I defended. "Then who did? Tell me who played with your phone and dragged her there? She waited for you for hours, why she's in there fighting to get air why?" She said while crying even harder.

Just then Gzi came up. "What's going on?" Gzi asked. "From now on stay away from her I am warning you sangster" the blonde girl said then walked away.

It was hard to take all in, she wasn't lying I can see it in her eyes. Someone texted her from my phone and dragged her there he might be as well who hurt her.
Just then I remembered Gzi's weird behavior yesterday, when she came back from the bathroom I saw my phone with her but I didn't give it much thought.

This can't be...

"Thomas you ok?" Gzi asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Did you do this to her?" I asked facing her anger taking over me slowly. She stayed silent then said "no..I.."

"DON'T LIE TO ME" I yelled at her, I know it's not gentle to yell at a girl but I couldn't help it. "" I asked once again calmly this time. She didn't respond "GZI" I yelled. "I DID IT FOR YOU" she yelled back.

"Gzi..what have you done..what have you done" I said tears in my eyes, how could she do something like this. "Thomas..please listen to me..I can explain" she said but I already started walking away.

I wanted to stay in the hospital and check on Kaori but I am sure they won't let me.

This is all my fault..what have I done.

I walked back to my car and started driving back home. All the way there I was crying thinking about what will happen to Kaori. God please save her, you can take my life but please don't take her away from her family, her friends.

Don't take her away..from me.

No I can't just leave I need to go back I need to see her I have to talk to her. I wiped my tears away and drove back to the hospital.

Just when I got in front of the surgery room the doctor came out with a sad look on his face.

Never let go of my hand (Thomas Brodie Sangster Story)Where stories live. Discover now