XXVIII. Gossips

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Alice was sitting in the same bed where she and Harold had previously spent the entire afternoon naked, while her mother paced about, trying to collect her thoughts.

Lady Edwina did not look as angry as she was earlier downstairs, but it was still no consolation. The woman could no longer do anything, but she was still her mother and having her blessing would make things quite easier in the future.

"I am sorry to have done something like this, Mother," Alice started.

"You ought to be," Lady Edwina said under her breath then stopped her pacing and turned to face Alice, her face registering something akin to fear. "Oh, Alice, what do I do with you?"

Alice let out an awkward smile. "You could congratulate me. I finally got myself a husband."

Lady Edwina closed her eyes and muttered something through her lips. When she opened them again, her eyes were filled with tears. "Darling, why? Why did you choose him? Was it to spite me?"

She frowned. "Spite you? Of course not."

"You did not wish to marry and I practically shoved you into a carriage and dozens of gowns to get you offers. But..." her mother lifted her arms and let them fall to her sides. "But... you chose the least person I wanted for you."

"You never said Harold is not on your list, Mother. No one was not not on your list, as I do recall for no such list exists. You simply wanted me to marry."

"Yes, but I did not wish for your early demise!"

Her mother's words confused her at first. And then she finally understood. "You are talking about the curse."

"Yes, of course!"

"That is preposterous." Alice stood and walked toward her mother. "I do not believe it."

Lady Edwina was already shaking her head even before Alice finished her statement. "An Everard is good, Alice, dear, but... but the curse!"

"As I have said, Mother, I do not believe in it."


"And I will not be like the other Everard women because I will bear you tons of grandchildren," Alice interjected, haughtily lifting her chin. "You will watch them grow before your eyes and you shall witness my hair turning grey."

Lady Edwina stared, eyes welling with unshed tears. "I truly hope it shall come to that, darling. I cannot imagine living this world without you. Your father has left—"

"I shall live longer than anyone." She took her mother's hands in hers. "I married Harold not to spite anyone, Mother, most especially you. I married him because he is the only one I want. It shall make us very happy if you can give us your blessing."

"I would love to, but—"

"Then it is settled!" Alice said with a smile. "We shall both go down now and you shall embrace my husband as family. Can I count on that, Mother?"

Her mother's tears rolled down her face and Alice sighed, wiping them with her fingers. "There is no need for tears, Mother. You look as though you are already mourning my death."

Lady Edwina's eyes widened in horror. "Alice!"

Chuckling, Alice wiped gathered her mother's hand in the crook of her arm. "Now, what shall you say to my husband?" She led the woman to the door. "You may continue to act very angry if you wish. He deserves that for dragging me here in Tiny Town, but you will have to tell him later that you welcome him as your son-in-law."

Her mother sniffled. "Why do I need to act—"

"It brings me a sort of an odd joy seeing him suffer. He has not made this an easy journey for me, you know."

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