XXVI. A Desperate Lord

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"Are you certain we can stay there?"

"Of course," Harold said with a big sigh as he slouched in the carriage seat and rested his head on her shoulder.

Alice raised her hand to lightly touch the side of his face. "Your face is too swollen."

"Then should we wait until I am fully recovered?"

"And allow my mother enough time to come after us? Are you bloody crazy?"

Harold chuckled. "Ah, this is why I bloody love you."

Alice smiled.

Outside, the road was dark. The next lamppost had gone off and the next lit one was quite far. The only light for the driver was the carriage lamp.

"How many of his fingers did you break?" she asked, clasping Harold's hand in hers.

"I broke his face," he murmured sleepily.

Her brows rose. "With?"

"A glass. And my fist."

Alice's smile widened. She turned her head to plant a kiss on the top of his head. "I am proud of you, darling."


Devonshire was multiple times bigger than Langworthy.

One could see it from miles away, but not merely because it was humongous, but because it had its own holes, streaming the entire estate with light. It was probably amongst the several estates with their own holes, enabling them to grow their own crops. Up close, the entire estate seemed like a town in itself for Alice.

"It is quite intimidating," Alice said as the carriage drove into the driveway.

Harold paused from straightening his coat and grinned at her wickedly. "There also happens to be a monster living alone inside, darling."

Alice slapped his arm and he chuckled.

"And he eats people alive."

"Stop it," she said, pushing him toward the door when the footman finally opened it.

"Dare not say I never warned you," he told her before jumping out of the carriage. He held out his hand to guide her to the ground.

An old man with bald head emerged from the doorway. "My lord!" the butler welcomed them with a big smile, carefully walking down the stairs of the grand entrance. "This is a surprise!"

"Do not comment on how I look. I know I look horrid," Harold said when he saw the surprise in the man's eyes. ""Please inform my father of my arrival at once, Norman. "

The butler did not move as his gaze fell upon Alice.

"Norman," Harold said, waving a hand in front of the old man. "Are you all right?"

The butler blinked and gaped at Harold. "You have brought a woman with you, my lord. "

Harold frowned at him. "What woman are you talking about, Norman?"

The man blinked in confusion and turned to look at Alice again. "The one standing beside you. She is—"

"I came alone, Norman," Harold said, face straight and serious.

Alice and Norman both turned to him in confusion. "But, my lord, I can clearly see—"

"Leave the poor man alone, Harold," said Alice wryly.

Harold remained motionless as he frowned at Norman.

"My lord! You are playing tricks again, are you not?" Norman asked.

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