IX. Too Foxed Strangers

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They arrived in Dartridge very late. The village was not as busy as the others for many reasons. Not many travelers go through Dartridge because there were better and faster ways to reach Tiny Town which was often the only place people from other parts of the Town would visit on this region.

Apart from those who wished to visit the White Rocks, Henry House or Gailey, very few strangers came by the village. Thus, it was understandable why people stared as the pair strode into the place.

Dartridge was a familiar place to Alice, on the other hand, for it was where they bought most of their much needed necessities. Not many knew, but the village produced better goods as they had direct access to an active river.

"Do they have a tavern?" asked Harold, riding the very much exhausted Benjamin beside Camel.

"Of course," she replied, leading the way. She led Camel down a narrow cobbled road up until the lone post lamp.

"Is this the place?"

"Yes," she retorted without looking at the wooden door in front of them. She was already climbing down her horse when she noticed that he looked rather discomfited. She frowned. "What is the matter?"

He was not looking at her. Rather, he was glaring up at the facet of the tavern. "You cannot be utterly serious."

"If you wish to move along your journey, you can do so," Alice said in a deadpan tone. "But leave Benjamin. He needs rest."

"Alice..." he called out when she pulled Camel to the side of the tavern which led to the stables. She had once stayed here with Janet and two of their footmen when they had to buy supplies. That was many years ago, when her parents left for Willowfair, leaving her alone in Langworthy to care for the estate. "Alice!" Harold hissed behind her.

"Oh, do shush, my lord," she hissed back over her shoulder. "You will wake everyone else!" Her words were followed by loud boisterous laughter coming from inside the tavern hall.

"No one seems to be asleep at the moment, my lady," he said, following her. He had already jumped down Benjamin.

"They shall not be sharing a room with you, if that is what you are worried about."

He had no chance to argue since a stable boy approached them giddily, happy to meet new customers.

"I'll take yer horses, Miss," the boy said, reaching out to take Camel's reins.

"Are there rooms available for the night?" Alice asked as she turned over Camel.

"Tons, Miss!" the boy replied, leaning to the side to look behind her. "Come follow me," he ordered Harold.

Alice turned around just in time to witness Harold's appalled look. She smiled and said, "I shall see you inside." As she walked past him, he stopped her.

"I cannot allow you to enter that place alone—"

She brushed his hand off her arm. "I can handle myself, Harry," she said, looking over her shoulder to add to the boy, "Please allow my brother to help you with the horses. He will give you a decent tip if you promise to take care of them until the morrow."

"Aye!" the boy jovially replied, motioning with his head at Harold to follow him.


"Say, young man," Harold broke his silence after they secured the horses inside the small stable, gently grabbing the boy on the shoulder, turning him slightly to face him, "have you ever happened to take sight of my friend? I am looking for him."

"Which friend, Sir?" asked the boy.

"Brown hair, brown eyes... a fairly good-looking man. Slightly smaller than I?" When the boy merely frowned in contemplation, Harold added, "He was with a... my... uh... other sister. She had black hair—very beautiful."

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