XXI. Friends: Old and New

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"Alice," Brandon's cheerful voice called for her and she turned away from her conversation with Eva to face him. Beside him was a remarkably beautiful woman who was in a very horrid blue dress that did not even compliment the color of her light brown eyes. Her black hair was at least done quite well. Her smile was innocent and kind, one Alice certainly noted as genuine. "This is my friend, Miss Pepper. Pepper, these are my friends Lady Alice and Lady Eva."

Pepper gracefully curtsied and in a confident voice said, "Brandon has spoken about you." Her eyes turned to Alice, "Most particularly you, my lady. He said you are not what your reputation says you are."

Alice nodded in acknowledgement, turning her head to Brandon. "I like her."

Brandon's face flushed.

"How do you like this year's Seymour Ball, Miss Pepper?" Eva asked, positioning herself beside Alice.

"Please, simply Pepper, my lady." Pepper looked about. "The ball is as always spectacular. And my dress is as always the ugliest. Wouldn't you agree?"

"No, of course not," replied Eva.

"Yes, strongly," Alice stated over her friend's objection.

Brandon and Pepper looked at each other and chuckled. "Did I not tell you, Pepper? You will like her."

Pepper nodded enthusiastically. "Although I appreciate Lady Eva's attempt to be nice, I also appreciate your honesty, Lady Alice."

Alice cleared her throat behind her hand. "Well, why don't we continue this over refreshments?" she asked, looking at both Pepper and Eva. "Brandon, would you be a dear and grab us some sherry?"

Brandon jumped and said, "Right away, milady."

The three of them watched Brandon walk away. Alice stole Pepper a glance as the woman's eyes glimmered with adoration. "Oh, he is rather daft, is he not?" she asked Pepper who blinked in confusion. "He is not aware you have been waiting for him."

Pepper's cheeks flushed as Eva said, "Alice, don't you think you are making Miss Pepper uncomfortable?"

But Pepper nodded and fixed her light brown eyes at Alice. "Yes, my lady, you are making me quite uncomfortable with your words." She sighed and turned to look at Brandon from afar once again. "Because they are true. I have been waiting for that fool and he has not made any untoward advances."

Eva's eyes rounded and her mouth fell open at Pepper's choice of words. Alice, on the other hand, simply nodded. "Yes, dear. He is rather slow. But fret not, he will soon show his feelings."

Pepper turned to Alice. "He will?"

"Because we told him to," she replied, turning to Eva. "Did we not, Eva?"

Eva nodded, now with a big smile on her face. "And it is quite exciting to know that you feel the same way toward Brandon!"

Pepper sighed, fully facing them. "I believe I loved him first, if you must know."

Alice allowed a smile to show how pleased she was. "Then that is even better. Now, where is your dancing card?"

The woman showed them her dancing card.

Eva and Alice studied it.

"Hmm. It is as empty as mine," Alice commented.

She and Eva looked around the ballroom. "We should ask Martin and Harold to dance with her," said Eva.

Alice nodded. "Yes. And who is that man Harold is standing with?"

Eva craned her neck. "Ah, Eustace Theobald."

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