XXV. The Honest Lord

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"What happened!" Eva asked, gasping at her husband's state. Her eyes traveled from Martin to Harold who looked worse. "What happened!" she demanded once more, walking over to touch Martin's swollen mouth.

"We are officially no longer members of Grey's," Martin replied wryly, wrapping an arm around his fretful wife. "Now, now, darling. There is no reason to worry."

"None? Martin, you—" she whirled around from her husband's hold to glare at Harold "—the two of you are covered in blood, your faces swollen!"

"Ah, I would not put it that way," said Martin, guiding Eva into the parlor. "Our enemies looked worse. You ought to have seen their faces." His wife looked even more horrified than relieved as he bragged. "And there were five of them against the three of us."


"Theobald was with us."

Anger flickered in Eva's eyes. It was apparent that the more she heard, the more she found the situation horrendous. "What—"

"Where is Alice?" Harold asked, breaking his silence.

Eva's angry gaze flew toward him. "And why would you want to see her?"

"We need to talk."

"And why do you believe she would want to talk to you?"

Harold swallowed and even that was uncomfortable. He was sore all over.

Eva placed her hands on her hips and faced her husband. "Why exactly were you in a brawl?"

Martin winced. "Darling, can we ask for the housemaid to bring us something for our bruises?"

"You can swell all over, Martin, and I would not lift a hand to ring the bell. What have you been thinking!" She turned to Harold to add, "And you go home, my lord."


"I have had enough for tonight. Alice will not see you even if I allow it. Have you not forgotten about the scandal?"

"I merely need a moment—"

"Then do so at a proper time and place. Perhaps in Langworthy."

Stunned, Harold asked, "Langworthy?"

"She is currently packing. She is going home by the morrow. This season is over for her what with the scandal and all." She gave Harold a stern look. "Go home, my lord."

Harold's jaw clenched. He was about to open his mouth to protest but Martin threw him a look of warning. His friend shook his head in defeat.

Tonight was not the night to argue with Eva.

With a sigh, Harold bowed at Eva and exited the parlor. As he did so, he heard Martin ask his wife if she could now please have mercy and tend to his wounds.


She had already dismissed Janet so the woman could also pack her belongings for tomorrow. The two of them would have a long journey back to Langworthy before her mother got wind of the scandal.

It would be best to deal with her mother's disappointment at home rather than here in Wickhurst where another potential scandal could arise.

Alice had done a lot of thinking that day and the day prior, that now, she had nothing on her mind as she packed her own belongings.

She was tired of it.

She was done wondering how things led to this when she thought she had everything under control.

She walked to the closet to take out the last two gowns that hung there. She paused as she reached for them and her hands fell to her sides. How much had her mother spent for these gowns? And how had she paid her?

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