XIX. When Gentlemen Gossip

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Alice was shaking.

She could hardly breathe, the constraints of her gown not making it anymore easier. She walked down the corridor, stumbled once, and kept walking. Her legs were like water flowing down a stream—fluid, unstructured. They would give in soon.

The music from the ballroom was growing near. Willing herself to stop, Alice leaned one hand on the wall and took a long breath. She closed her eyes, feeling their dampness. Bloody hell, she was not certain if her unshed tears were due to anger or fear.

She slowly let out her breath and opened her eyes. Two women were on their way down the corridor, about to cross her path, and she immediately straightened and pulled her shoulders back. Lifting her chin, she met the women's curious gaze, her lips pursed with the little strength she had left.

Alice walked straight back into the fray, welcoming the dancing and the music.

But it felt like an attack. There were too many people. So much that she wanted to shout and demand for everything to stop. She wanted silence. But she was not the mistress of this ball. She was a mere woman from the country who was utterly failing the simple quest of hunting for a husband. The only accomplishment she had so far was cause to a man to limp at least for the duration of the evening and she could not even brag about it to anyone.

With one swift motion of her head, she scanned the room for Eva and Martin. Her friends were still dancing to another dance. Brandon was nowhere in sight.

A group of women turned to look at her direction, their gazes knowing. Did they know? What did they know? Why were they staring?

Alice swallowed.

She could feel the sweat running dripping down her spine and temple. Her hands were also damp. She let out a quiet, shaky breath.

What was happening to her?

Escape. She needed to escape.

Almost pushing her way through the crowd, Alice struggled to reach the grand hallway where there were less people and she was finally able to breathe a little better.

She wiped the dampness off her temple and blinked.

"My lady, do you need anything?" someone asked. She blinked again but she could hardly see his face.

She started to shake her head.

"You do not look fine, my lady," said the man, voice concerned. Alice blinked and realized she was facing a concerned footman.

"N-no," she stuttered. "I... my carriage... please. For Lord S-surley."

"Right away, my lady," said the man who called another footman and gave orders. He faced her again. "My lady, perhaps you would like to rest while we wait for your carriage to be drawn to the front."

Alice shook her head again, but it only made the dizziness worse. What was happening to her? It was only Sebastian!

Everyone will soon learn what a whore you are!

Alice swallowed as Sebastian's voice echoed at the back of her head.

You give your reputation very little weight, but see until you witness it completely ruined.

Good God, why did she provoke him?

You will pay for this. See what I can do.

She should not have dared him.

"My lady, are you all right?" the footman asked again, muffling Sebastian's threats in her head.

"I will take it from here," his voice said from behind Alice.

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