☆☆Chapter 54☆☆

Start from the beginning

"It makes a little bit of sense, but I don't think Lila's mother would do that. You know, just like Lila, her mother cares about what everyone thinks about her," Alya's eyes searched around for a better looking skirt as she spoke. "Lila did it behind her back. She wants people to feel bad for her. I mean, she wrote that her mother liked Gabriel for his money."

"I've seen a bunch of women who are like that," Tiki shrugged.

"I'm just saying," Alya continued. "Lila wants all the money to herself. She knows if she gets money, she would have to share with her mother, so she must have just wanted to get rid of her mother first."

"This whole thing is very amusing though," Marinette crackled. "I want to see how Lila's mother reacts and replies to this once she finds out."

What Lila posted was what everyone were talking about. Some people replied to her posts, calling her a liar, saying how she had gotten better at lying and made no plans to stop. Other people were questioning themselves whether to believe her or not.

So far, 90% of people still thought she was lying while 10% of people believed her 100%.

Gabriel didn't like the questions reporters were handing out to him. He just wanted to be by himself, maybe with Emilie by his side, but still. He was tired of this; he was wishing that message was never posted, but he couldn't really do anything about it.

"Did you know about this?"

"Did you know that Lila's mother liked you in this sort of way?"

"How do you feel about this?"

"What do you think you're going to do to get yourself out of this mess?"

Gabriel shook his head as he got all the questions that had been asked to him out of his head. He just wanted to focus on the designing competition. He, Emilie and Marinette had already decided that on Tuesday, 5:30pm was going to be the date. He hoped that people joining were busy making their designs instead of focusing on this Lila Rossi stuff.

A knock came on his door, and he was about to yell out that he was busy, when Emilie's voice called out to him. Packing up his papers on his desk, he opened the door. Emilie looked all dressed up.

"Hey..." Emilie looked at him, seeming to look a little embarrassed, before the redness on her face wore off. "Are you all set to go?"

"Set to go where?"

"Gabriel, don't tell me you forgot about the party I was holding!" Emilie gave him a warning look. "Today is Sunday, therefore it is party time."

"Yeah... I totally didn't forget. I just forgot the time, that's all," Gabriel brushed it off as he tried not to stare at Emilie for too long. Honestly, what was this woman doing to him? "I'll go get ready. Wait for me."

"Okay," Emilie nodded, before she started walking back downstairs. She saw Adrien in the kitchen with Gorilla and decided to head to them.

"Hey Adrien, are you sure you're okay to stay by yourself?"

Since the party was technically for adults like Emilie and Gabriel, Adrien wasn't invited. Not that Gabriel wanted his son to go anyway. Adrien had told them that he would be okay at home, but both Emilie and Gabriel, especially Gabriel, were still worried and wasn't sure.

"Come on! I'm 17, turning 18 next month. I can take care of myself," Adrien sighed. "Why do adults worry all the time?! I won't do anything reckless, I promise."

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