I stand up, my legs feeling wobbly, and walk towards the door. I try to open it, but it won't move at all. It must be locked.

Walking back towards the mattress I feel tears pricking behind my eyes.
How could I have let this happen? I've always been so careful. And now I even let someone get hurt because of me.
I hope Sam is going to be okay and that he will forgive me.

Suddenly the door clicks and it opens with a lot of creaking, making the light fall into the room.
"Well well well. I see that our sleeping beauty is finally awake." The silhouette in the door opening says. I'm sure your dear father would love to hear about that. Easton, go get him for us." He says to someone outside the door. There is a low response and I can hear footsteps walking away.

I don't recognise the voice of this man. I blink, trying to adjust to the light so I can see his face more clearly.
The man steps into the room, an evil smile rests on his lips.
He has short dirty blond hair and dull, grey eyes. There is a scar running down the side of his face, right next to his left ear, as if someone tried to cut it off.

"My name is Samuel Zraa. I'm pretty sure you have heard of me before little beauty."
At the sound of his name, alarm bells go off in my head. Samuel Zraa, the leader of the Bratstvo, Gabriel's biggest enemy.
"Your father came to me a while ago. Told me all about his little girl. How you ran away from home, been able to stay away from your dear daddy for several years.
I must say, I'm pretty impressed with that. But, my dear little girl, you made one little mistake. You fall in love with that filthy Donati. If you hadn't done that, you might have still been free my dear."
He steps closer and I automatically move back, trying to keep the same amount of space in between us, so I would be able to run away.

"You see Anna, your dad and I made a deal. I would help him get you back and in return, he would help me bring down Gabriel Donati and everyone else of those pathetic 'il Capello' asses.
The first part of our deal is done, you are here and will soon be reunited with father dear. So now all there is left, is your boyfriend. But he will soon be gone and then I will be the most powerful person in this town."

Samuel steps closer again and my back hits the wall. "You are indeed very pretty Anna."
My eyes shoot around the room, as he takes another step closer, trying to find a way out.
"I see why your dad would want you back."
My eyes land on the door. He left it open. This could be my way out.
"Who wouldn't want a doll like you at there every call. Maybe your dad would let me have some fun with you too, since I am the one who helped him to get you back."

Samuel is standing right in front of me. His face only a few centimetres from my own and I can practically taste his breath.
His hands land on my waist and for a second I freeze. Luckily my brain shoots back in action as soon as his hands start to move over my body.
His head moves in closer to mine and I take the opportunity to give him a head but. His head shoots back and his movement creates just enough space for me to slip out of his grip and run towards the open door.
But before I'm able to make my way through, someone blocks my way.

"My dear Anna, you still haven't learned a single thing, have you?"
My father pulls back his fist and hits me right on my nose, causing me to fall back into the cellar. "Let's see if we can hit some sense back into you my dear."


"I've looked at all the surveillance videos. There is no sign of Hunter on any of them, so we have no clue of where he is right now. He could have worked with the people who took Anna." Nicolaas says with a serious look on his face.

Nicolaas, River, Elliot and the twins came down to the pub as soon as they got my text message. They also brought our own doctor so he could have a look at Sam.
Christy is still safely tucked in between Raphael's arms, refusing to leave.

We did send Rose home though, not wanting to involve to many outsiders into this. Christy promised her to lock the pub ones we would leave and I had to promise her that I would do anything to get Anna back.
As if I wouldn't have done that anyways.

"Tell me something you do know." I shoot back to Nicolaas. "We've been waiting here long enough, too long for my liking even and I want to get answers before I lose my temper."
"What we do know," Nicolaas quickly continues, "is that her father took her. He is the one who knocked her out and dragged her off. But he wasn't alone. There was a second guy there. He is the one who shot Sam."
"Do we know who this second guy is?" I ask.
"Yes, but you won't like it." River answers for Nicolaas. "We could see his face very clearly on the surveillance videos. He clearly wanted us to know that he was there."
"They took my girl. I already don't like them. Now tell me who the fuck it is so I can hunt them down and get Anna back."

There is a long silence and I am starting to get more irritated by the second.

"Say it! O sparerò a qualcuno!"

"It was Zachary." Nicolaas says. "Samuels second in comment. Bratstvo has her."


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