93. We Need To Talk

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 93

We Need To Talk

The gray building that seemed worn down, cold and dull, wasn't neither of those things. You stood outside the building. You were alone after your terminator-like bodyguard named Choi Joon had dropped you off.

The past week, he had been driving you to work and home. Slowly, you had become used to the idea of it. It was all only for Soo Hyuk, so he could feel like he had some control.

Well, you weren't exactly alone. You had brought Gray with you today as you didn't want your precious pet to feel alone and possibly get sick again.

After having heard the vet say that Gray felt alone, you couldn't just let it stay at home and wait for you.

The little grey furball was snuggled into you as you entered the building. You walked up the stairs. You had a bag on your back with Grey's food and toys.

You had also brought an extra litter box for him, which you would place in your studio. It wouldn't be his first nor last time coming along.

As always, there was a silence in the building. You rarely heard any sounds in this place. The paint on the walls made it almost seem like a renewed place.

You still didn't know whom had painted it, but you had a feeling that it had been that mysterious rescuer, who is actually a 'fuck boy'. You scoffed at the memory of meeting his girlfriend and how she had treated you.

"You will see my studio for the first time, but you have to promise mama that you won't disturb her with her work nor try to mess up her drawings, okay?" You cooed, looking at the soft cat.

However, Gray looked elsewhere. You sighed, shaking your head at yourself for talking to your cat, but it was becoming a habit lately.

Furthermore, he made you feel less lonely at some days. You entered your studio with Gray in your arms. Once you freed him, he jumped off and went to search your place.

You got his things ready, placed his bowls and filled them with food and water. Brought his toys out of the bag and scattered them around the house. He wouldn't be bored now or alone. Then you went to your desk to get down to work.

As the evening went by and it was almost time to finish up, you looked at the skies that were gloomy and the breeze was light.

Summertime was over already, and you had entered autumn. The leaves slowly began to turn red and orange, into these warm colors that was so pretty. You liked autumn.

You looked at your phone, when it buzzed as you had received a message. Your eyes lit up, when you saw the name of the sender.

Minah had sent you a message, showing you the plans for the wedding that was soon. You felt so excited for that. You replied her that you were looking forward to it.

She continued to send you images of the flowers that she would have for the wedding and a lot of other things, making you smile.

Gray had accompanied you for the day. It was time to pack up. You stretched your body and let out a yawn. You stood up from your desk and packed your sketches away, putting them in the drawer.

Gray strode towards you and circled its tail around your leg. You giggled, bent down, and lifted the fluffball into your arms. You looked into his deep eyes. He yawned into your face.

"It's time to go home." You cooed.

You locked your front door to the studio, turned around to head towards the stairs, but got pushed backwards, when someone bumped against your side and you nearly dropped Gray from your arms.

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