48. Don't Want To Hurt You

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 48: Don't Want To Hurt You

The music was blaring in the club, and it was cramped with young people. Most of them were drunk, and clinging onto each other as they danced, and laughed together.

Different colored lights from the roof shone down upon the dance floor, and onto the dancing people, and lit up the stage.

There was an indoor pool, with hundreds of mini balls in it, and a lot of people were in the water. They drank, and played in the water.

Wonho looked out on the girl, whom he had an eye on, and he grabbed her arm suddenly. The black- haired girl with big eyes, long and slender figure, glared at him as he dragged her down to the dance floor.

He began to dance with her with confidence and bold moves. Her eyes widened of pleasant surprise. She giggled, and began to dance with him.

Wonho chuckled, seeing her move closer, and he moved his body close to hers. She quickly placed her hands on his broad chest.

Her eyes widened, when she felt how solid and toned his chest was. Wonho flashed her a cheeky grin, when he noticed her cheeks flush up.

"Wow." She gasped.

"I know." He chuckled with clear confidence in his tone, and a glimpse in his eyes.

Wonho turned around and met his friend's gaze from across the dance floor. He winked at his friend with a cheeky grin plastered on his handsome face. He had that certain look on his face, the look that told his friend that he won the girl.

Another girl had fallen for Wonho's charms this night. Wonho's friend scoffed, and rolled his eyes at him. He always seemed to win the hearts of the pretty and hot girls.

The black- haired girl with cat-like eyes, moved her arms up, and around his neck. He chuckled, and pulled her closer to him. She gasped, when her body got pressed against his firm chest.

The night went on, and Wonho danced with the girl, and the two of them finally sat down at the bar. Wonho ordered a drink for her, and tipped his head to the side, and grimaced, when he saw his friend dance with some girl.

They danced close together, and he noticed how his friend's hand moved down to the girl's bottom, and he squeezed it. Wonho sighed deeply and took a sip of his drink.

Seems like I won't be sleeping at Jae Min's place tonight.

"Should we leave to your place?" She whispered in his ear, whilst she stroked his arm, tenderly, and yet with seduction.

Wonho placed his drink away, and looked down on the pretty girl next to him. He pursed his mouth and hissed.

"That's not a good idea?" He said, and the girl frowned.

"Why not?" She asked.

"I live with my parents." He said, and became quiet.

The girl ran her tongue over her plump pink lips, and blinked her eyes a couple of times. "We can just check in, in a hotel." She suggested.

She continued moving her fingers playfully down his big biceps, and Wonho gritted his teeth, and shook his head.

"That's also not a good idea." He said in a low tone.

"What's wrong with you? why did you dance with me, and buy me drinks, and kiss me?" She shouted with clear annoyance in her tone, and anger.

"I'm sorry, but I just got back from America, and-" He paused.

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