81. Senses

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 81


"I still can't believe I saw The Weeknd tonight." You breathed out, still feeling high and thrilled after the concert finished.

You were still in a daze over the fact that you had seen your favorite artist. You had dreamt of seeing him for so long.

Soo Hyuk's eyes flickered your way, and you glanced up, looking into his midnight dark eyes. And the corner of his lip slowly tugged up, smirking at you.

"So, tell me now, who gave you the best present?" He asked with a smug grin on his face, and you rolled your eyes, but smiled nonetheless.

The pair of you were standing outside the house of the chief, who maintains The Lee's household, this said chief was taking care of your new cat, which you had named Grey.

You missed that little grey fluffball. You hadn't rung on the doorbell yet. You gazed into his eyes and you stiffened.

You were in a neighborhood, and this old woman had a garden, and a dog that continued to bark at you, as though you were an intruder. Luckily, the dog was chained. It was a big dog.

It didn't look at Soo Hyuk the way it looked at you. It bared its teeth at you, looking like it wanted to attack you. Even though it was chained, you felt anxious.

Somehow, you stepped closer to your husband, your hand moved up on its own, and you grabbed onto his arm firmly.

"Why is this dog hissing at me?" You asked.

Soo Hyuk chuckled, amused. His dark eyes beamed. You noticed how the moon cast its rays into his dark eyes. The light of the moon lingered in his eyes, and you furrowed your brows at him.

"Don't change the subject. I asked you something, babe." He said.

"Alright, alright. You gave me the best pre-"

You muffled, your eyes widened, and you smacked his chest, making him groan, but he only pressed his lips harder on yours.

His hands quickly moved out, instinctively. He gripped your wrists, and hauled you forward, and against his hard body. A gasp of surprise escaped through your lips.

How you liked those unexpected kisses of his, that were so mind-blowing, but you were kissing him in front of someone else house, and they could be watching you.

Your eyes widened further, and you mumbled, trying to wriggle free from his firm grip on you. But he pressed you closer into his hard body.

"Hyu.. Sss.."

He pulled back, and then he bashfully rubbed his lips after making yours become so numb. Your hand moved up, and you slowly slid your fingertips over your sensitive lips.

His eyes wandered down, stopping at you red lips that were sore and swollen. You hissed, and licked your lips soft, trying to soothe them.

"What if they come out?" You hissed, glaring at him, and he grinned.

Then he shrugged, blatantly. Just as you opened your mouth, he rang on the door bell, making you close your mouth quickly.

"Not like we do worse things." He said so calmly, you felt the wind lay on your back.

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