87. The Enemy Couple

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 87

The Enemy Couple

You took a sip of your drink and let out a soft sigh as the bittersweet taste lingered on your tongue. There were a lot of talks going on in the corners, jazz music filled the place, it was a soothing sound.

But you were seated alone at your table. You were quiet as your eyes scanned the place, following a certain someone.

It was a long and somewhat dull company party. Everyone was present, Soo Hyuk's friends, Wonho, and even Ha Neul.

You were in deep thoughts about the past incidents which you have tried to ignore, the pictures that were taken of you not long ago, the person who followed you in the store, and most recently, the call you received from an unknown number. You were thinking of those things and what they could be.

"I miss you."

You couldn't tell whom that person was, because their voice was cryptic, robotic, and it was deliberate, so you couldn't recognize them. Someone was messing with you, and you couldn't think of whom it could be.

As much as you wanted to believe and hope that it was a prank call, you knew deep down it wasn't, because you received another call last night before Soo Hyuk got home from work.

This time, that person mentioned that they missed you again. It felt personally and it put you on an edge.

Of course, you hadn't mentioned your husband about the calls yet. You knew that you had to tell him. Otherwise, he would freak out, throw a fit and get mad. You had to tell him and not drag out time.

Soo Hyuk had already said a few times that he wants to protect you, but you just don't understand whom would make these prank calls on you.

It wasn't even funny. It was creepy, and it was freaking you out. Last night the person said that they miss you again.

You sighed. Your heard was pounding. You took a bigger sip from your drink and placed the glass on the table.

Someone from behind you cleared their throat, and you turned around. Your eyes followed up their body. A smile quickly formed on your face upon seeing the man dressed in a dandy suit.

"Hi." You said.

"You seem pretty bored." Ha Neul said, and you nodded.

"Everyone are busy chatting with others, and I am just so anti-social right now." You sighed.

"Why don't you go and meet some of the people?" He asked.

"Honestly, I'm tired of walking in my heels, and I've already greeted a lot of people. Soo Hyuk is somewhere, talking business with some people, and I am too tired to listen to it." You admitted.

The corner of his lips tugged up into a little smile, reaching to his eyes that beamed, and he finally laughed. You rolled your eyes, and groaned, tiredly.

"C'mon, let's go for a walk." He said, and you sighed deeply.

But Ha Neul reached his hand out, grabbed your arm and pulled you up from your seat. You whined, but he dragged you along.

You were walking down an empty hall, getting far away from the noise, the music, the chats, and to a quieter place. It felt nice here. Your ear finally got some peace.

"There's a garden here." He said, and your eyes flickered up to his. He smiled down at you. "I knew you'd like it." He let out the moment you entered the green place filled with followers.

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