103. Don't we have Reasons for Caring

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 103

Don't we have Reasons for Caring

(Positano part 4)

It was the day before the wedding and you were on your way to a place, where you could rent scooters to drive around the island.

You were walking down the streets with the others when your phone rang. You quickly took out your phone from your bag, stared at the caller id for a second, feeling your heart race inside your chest due to the anxiousness.

Marcello probably had some news regarding the dresses. You were Minah's last call. If Marcello suddenly could not help you, you would feel an immense failure. There was no time for any other solution.

You feared everything in that split second before you answered the call. You chewed on your bottom lip, breathing a bit harder, and you took in a deep breath, trying to not panic.

What if he got hindered and could not make it in time? What if he had no dress in fact? What were you supposed to tell Minah if this plan did not work? Your breathing got harder.

Though according to the flight schedule, Marcello was supposed to be here now. But anything could have happened since you last spoke together.

This was it. Stopping in your tracks. Standing still in the middle of the street, watching the others continue to walk and laugh. You accepted the call.

"Nara, are you there, darling?" Marcello spoke in a normal tone, seen as you were not responding and you shook your head, gathering yourself.

So far, it seemed like nothing was wrong, judging by the tone of his voice, and you took in another deep breath, exhaling.

"Uhm. Yeah. Is everything okay?" You answered,

Soo Hyuk was walking ahead of you and quickly noticed that you had stopped, so he turned around and looked at you. Your eyes met.

He seemed confused when he saw that you were talking on the phone. He furrowed his brows and stared deeply into your eyes from the distance.

It seemed like he had noticed your nervous expression, which you hardly could hide from anyone and then he began to walk towards you.

"How are you dear?" Marcello asked.

"I am alright." You said as your heart was racing, and your voice turned small like a mouse.

"You sound anxious." He told, and you became quiet, wondering about how he figured that out.

"Well, I am." You admitted, breathing out hard and slightly laughing.

It was not because you did not trust him. It was your luck. Sometimes luck was not on your side. Hence anything could happen.

"If it is about the dresses? Then don't be, I just arrived at the airport." He told, laughing softly,

You shook your head once more, for being so silly about feeling nervous. You sighed of relief and raised your eyes, looking out, meeting Soo Hyuk's deep eyes.

"Really? Are you on your way now?" You asked.

"Yes, Nara. Please don't be nervous. I'm here to help you. Just send me a message with the address to the hotel where you are staying at, and I will be there asap." He told.

"I will do that, but I am not at the hotel right now, we are on our way to get scooters to drive around the island." You told.

"Well, that sounds a lot of fun. We can meet up somewhere then." He suggested.

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