79. The Interrogation

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 79

The Interrogation

The moment you stepped out into the hall with Soo Hyuk, his friends showed up, coincidentally, and stared at the pair of you.

You bit on your bottom lip, and tried to act normal, although the pair of you just walked out from the staff room together, and this situation was so obvious. You hoped they didn't know or that they would at least act dumb.

"Where have you been?" Jong Hyun asked with furrowed brows, and his eyes fell upon the door behind you.

Your face began to heat up in an instant. You quickly stepped in front of the door, hiding the 'staff' sign.

"That's none of your business." Soo Hyuk snarled, surprising you.

Jong Hyun made a face, and the guys laughed. Then Sung Joon stepped forward and placed his arm over his younger friend's shoulder. Jong Hyun looked at his friend puzzled.

"The dinner is served." Sung Joon announced, and you nodded.

The guys began to walk away, and you sighed deeply. You stiffened, when you heard a low and familiar laugh that was quite rare. Your eyes flickered up, and you stared at Soo Hyuk, who was laughing.

"You think it's funny, don't you? what if they figured it out?" You asked, and he shrugged.

"We are married, who cares? They know what we did." He said.

"Hyuk Soo." You snapped.

"It's not like they are saints either." He stated, and then he grabbed your hand.

"But I-"

"C'mon, the food is here." He said, cutting you off, and then he dragged you back to your designated table, where your families were, and your mother's looked up somehow relieved.

"We thought you would be held back by the guests." Your mother-in-law said, and you gave her a small smile.

The servants served your food as soon as you made it. You sighed of relief, and Soo Hyuk pulled your chair out for you.

He never ceased to surprise you with his gentleman-like manners. When would you ever get used to it? you shrugged, probably never, you figured.

"Did you greet your friends?" Your mother asked, pulling you out of your little reverie, and you nodded.

"Yes, mom."

"How did it go?" Mrs. Lee asked.

Your gaze flickered towards your mother-in-law, who sat across you, and she had a smile on her face.

"Very well." You said in a small tone.

Your eyes fell upon your lap, and you could feel your face heat up. Soo Hyuk finally sat next to you, and you could sense his eyes on you. You hoped that your face wouldn't reveal you.

You glanced towards him, and sure enough, he was staring at you with a mocking grin on his face, making you become flustered.

You furrowed your brows, giving him a quick hard glare, but the corner of his mouth seemed to uplift further, and you sighed.

Thankfully, the dinner went well, and you felt full once you were done eating. You sat still for a while, processing all the food you had eaten. You were in a food-coma for a while.

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