83. Mirror

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 83


You were finally home after an entire day of being outside and with Wonho. It had been a weird evening, because of those frauds, who showed up at Mrs. Choi's restaurant.

Then you discovered that Mrs. Choi is actually related to Park Byung Chul.

Hence, it was all odd. Everyone around lately, seemed to be linked to one another.

The smell of noodles and fried chicken lingered on your body and you scrunched your face.

Your blouse was stuck to your back, and you were soaked with sweat. You needed a warm shower to get rid of the smell and to relax your muscles.

"I smell of noodles." You groaned as you strode off to the bathroom.

"Me too." Soo Hyuk said from behind you.

"I need a shower." You added.

"Yeah, Me too." He said.

You tilted your head to the side, and from the corner of your eye, you could tell that he was right behind you. A smile formed on your face.

You stepped inside the bathroom, and he followed suit. He closed the door behind him, and you spun around, facing him.

His eyes were on you as you began to undress. You felt your cheeks become warm as his eyes wandered down your body.

You pulled your blouse over your head, tossed it to the floor, then you dragged your zipper down, and pulled your jeans down. You felt his eyes burning on your skin.

You finally got naked and stepped under the shower head. You turned on the water and sighed softly, when the water made its way down your back.

Moments later, Soo Hyuk pushed the cabin door aside, and stepped inside. The warm water splashed on his chest as he had stepped in front of you.

Your hands moved up his solid and warm chest. He breathed sharply at your touch.

You guided him under the showerhead and your eyes closed, when his lips met yours.

Suddenly, you were too eager with kissing each other. A small moan escaped through your lips, when he pushed your back against the marble wall.

The tiles felt cold against your back, but he quickly pressed his hard chest against your body, and his warmth soaked you.

His lips trailed down your throat, and you tipped your head back. You kept your eyes closed, and then you felt his hand travel up your side.

He grabbed you by your waist. His thumb was below your breast. He tugged you gently and you quivered.

"You didn't tell me how you found me." You finally said.

Soo Hyuk pulled back and straightened his posture. He towered you with his height. You slowly lifted your eyelids up and met his gaze.

The water was pouring down his face, but he looked so breathtakingly handsome, and you turned down for the volume of the water.

He ran his hand down the length of his face, getting rid of the water, and his eyes were dark. You looked at him, waiting for an answer, because you were curious to know.

"I take no risks when it comes to you." He said.

You quickly reached your hand out and shut off the running water.

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