77. The Birthday Brunch

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 77

The Birthday Brunch

The grand house of The Lee's came in sight, and like always, you held in your gasp at the sight of the house. It looked like a castle in which the emperor lives. It left you feeling stunned. You stared it.

The dark street lamps from the house would usually cast a light onto the road, making the road that lead to the mansion shine brightly in the dark.

But it was daytime, and the sun was shining behind the house, casting its warm rays onto the house. A smile slowly played on your lips. This house did make you feel like a Cinderella somewhat.

The car made a halt at the yard, and the ignition turned off. Your face tilted to the side, and you froze, when you noticed that Soo Hyuk had already stepped out of the car.

You hadn't noticed that the car had stopped moving, as you had been delved in your thoughts the whole time.

You were frozen on your seat, waiting. Your eyes drifted to your side, and then your door opened a few seconds later.

His hand reached in and you reached yours out to grasp his. His skin was smooth, but his grip was firm and secure. He gently helped you out of the car, and you stood, facing him.

On your way to his family's residence, you had been wondering about what other surprise Soo Hyuk had planned for you. His words had been stuck in your mind throughout the ride.

"I got one more surprise for you."

What could it be? What could he possibly have planned? He literally bought me a cat, what else is he going to do? Oh god, the curiousity will kill me before I find out.

The fact that he even had made plans and surprises for you, were hard enough to believe. It felt surreal, like an unreal dream, and yet, you felt how real it was, when you could feel him touching you.

He was real. This was real. It wasn't a dream. You were spending your birthday with Soo Hyuk for the first time. A shudder passed down your spine. You had never felt this kind of excitement before.

Once your gazes locked, you felt your heart skip a beat inside your chest. He could make you feel like a girl in a princess fairytale sometimes.

Thereafter, he slid his arm around yours, and linked your arms. He led you to the grand porch. You were right beside him. He smelled too great, too manly, and sexy.

You could feel his rigid, and toned arm rub against you as you walked closely together. He felt hard like marble.

Ugh, why am I thinking this now?

Suddenly, his eyes drifted to yours. He had probably noticed you eyeing him like that. His eyes bore into yours with such a depth, and darkness, it made you feel thrilled. You wondered if getting lost in his gaze for eternity was a possibility?

"Are you excited?" He asked as if he read your mind this moment.

You gave him a small nod as a reply to which the corner of his lip curved up into a little smile that made your heart tug a bit.

He let out a low chuckle that seemingly just made your heart tug harder. But then he quickly bent down and stole a chaste, soft, and quick kiss from your lips, making you gasp.

You hadn't felt such a kiss before. He never stole such kisses from you, and he simply smirked coyly at your stunned look.

"Soo Hyuk." You whispered.

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