68. Kiss And Make up

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 68: Kiss And Make up

"The Director has called again, what do I say?" Hyeon Ju asked.

Your eyes flickered out to the young woman, who stood still, staring at you, looking very confused and somewhat hesitant, because she knew your answer.

"Tell him, I'm busy." You said nonchalantly.


Your eyes flickered back to her, you gazed at her for a long moment with a deadpanned look. Hyeon Ju gulped hard, her body looked hard, she tightened her grip on the phone, still looking hesitant. You gave her a determined look. She then turned around and answered the call.

"S-s-sir, the creative director is still busy, I'm s-sorry." She said and hung up the call.

You sighed aloud and continued with your work. Soo Hyuk had been calling you frequently since early morning, but you hadn't picked any of his calls.

Then he began to call you on your department phone, and you kept avoiding his calls, lying to him that you were too busy, that you were on the toilet, that you had gone out of your office, so that he couldn't talk to you.

You made your poor intern tell him all that each time he called. She clearly didn't like giving Soo Hyuk the bad news each time.

It might seem childish to some how you were ignoring him, but you really just wanted to punish him, and let him know how it feels to be ignored.

You knew deep down that you were triggering him, because he hates being ignored. But he wouldn't leave you alone.

You just didn't want to face him nor talk to him right now. He needed to understand that you don't accept this, the way he walked out on you. Some men could be so brainless. The mere thought of it all awakened your anger.

You groaned after you accidentally pricked the needle into your finger and blood gushed out from the little needle prick on the pad of your index finger. You reached your hand up and sucked the blood away from your fingertip.

You muttered a silent cuss and your intern was staring at you. You ignored her curious gaze. You couldn't bleed on your fabric. You hurriedly stood up from your seat and opened your drawer.

You found the first aid box and got the bandage. You wrapped your finger in it to stop the bleeding. Then you returned to your work. You huffed out and pushed your hair to the side.

The door was open, and the cool breeze entered the room, lingering on your neck. The room was warm, and it is sunny and hot today.

An hour passed by, by the time someone knocked on your door, and your head shot up from your sewing machine.

"Come in." You announced.

"Director." The young employee said, stepping into your office and you gazed into his dark brown eyes.

"Yes, Chan?" You said.

"The uh-uh.. director has called.. again. He wants to speak to you." He said and bit onto his bottom lip.

"Tell him, I am not here, I've gone out." You said, lowered your gaze, and continued working.

The young guy stood still at the door for a moment, looking helplessly lost. You didn't look up. You kept working. You heard a sigh but didn't glance towards him.

"Director, he insists on talking with you." He said.

Hyeon Ju stared at you and back to the employee, who looked helpless, and he too didn't want to give Soo Hyuk an reply that he doesn't want. Everyone in this company feared your husband. You muttered a silent curse.

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