78. The Speech

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 78

The Speech

As you drove away from Soo Hyuk's family residence, and off to the city, your thoughts seemed to trail off.

You were quite curious about what Soo Hyuk had planned for you, and where he was taking you above everything.

You had no idea about where Soo Hyuk was taking you. You wanted to know where it was. The fact that he has planned surprises for you is a by itself a surprise.

Soo Hyuk was changing more, day by day, and you had to admit to yourself that you really cherish this newfound side to him.

It was refreshing, exciting, and different, but you liked it. He was still himself, but he seemed little warmer now.

"Will you tell me what the surprise is?" You asked even though you knew he probably wouldn't.

Soo Hyuk didn't reply. He focused on driving, and you stared at his hard face. His hands were on the leather steering wheel. He had a focused look, and his eyes were slightly narrowed.

The suspense was killing you, and you tried to imagine what it could be, but you stopped right away.

The thing was that, when it came to Soo Hyuk, you never knew what he could do. So even remotely trying to imagine what it could be is hopeless. You have no idea.

"Won't you even say a bit about it?" You tried once more.

Soo Hyuk turned to look at you. His ethereal deep stare met yours, and you fluttered your long eyelashes at him, a couple of times, seeming innocent, hoping he would surrender and just confess.

You noticed that his eye suddenly twitched, and he clenched his jaw. His face looked rigid now. You gave him a small but sweet smile.

"No, it's a surprise." He breathed deeply, and you pulled back, and pursed your lips into a small pout.

You sulked like a little kid, and looked the other way. You heard him breathe deeply, and then he opened his mouth.

"You will like it." He told, sounding quite confident, and your eyes flickered back to him.

"But what is it?" You asked once more, and he stared into your eyes with a strong, and hard look, making you close your mouth. "Okay, I won't ask anymore." You stated.

You looked away again, and he stayed quiet throughout the ride. Like usual, you turned on for some music, and replaced the silence in the car.

You hummed along to the music, and cooed. You thought you felt Soo Hyuk's gaze on you, but you didn't dare to look to confirm it. You gazed out, and nodded along to the beat.

The signal became red, and you kept your gaze on your side of the window. You closed your eyes, and inhaled deeply, when you felt his warm palm slide up your bare shoulder.

His hand traveled further down, and you jolted of surprise, when he cupped your breast, and gave it a hard squeeze.

"Soo Hyuk?" You gasped, and you glanced at the car outside at your side, and the driver wasn't looking at you.

"Sorry, couldn't help it." He said, and you turned to look at him.

His usual dark gaze had a different look, a different light in them. The corner of his lip was slightly curved up into a small grin.

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