82. Running Into Trouble

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 82

Running Into Trouble

Weeks had passed since your birthday. You had been busy with working and finalizing the protect at the LH Headquarters. Time went by so fast, when you were busy with work.

You had arrived home earlier than Soo Hyuk, which you often do, because he works till late. The television was on and the light in the room was dimmed. It felt nice and cozy.

You were watching a movie. You pulled the blanket over your body and you were delved in the movie and the current scene.

Sounds of approaching footsteps made your heartbeat accelerate. You tensed up. You knew the sounds of his footsteps well know.

It was already ten pm.

Your eyes flickered up and a dark and tall shadow faced you, but the light from the moon that came through the windows trailed along his hard features.

He stepped around the couch whilst he unbuttoned his blazer and pulled off his black tie. He tossed the two items on the couch.

Without a word, he scooted next to you on the couch and you quickly sat up. Suddenly, he grasped your arm, hauled you forward, making you fall onto his lap.

You remained silent. Your head rested on his lap. You laid in a comfortable position and you placed your hand on his hard thigh.

Instinctively, a shudder passed down your spine, when his long and slender fingers slithered through your hair, pushing your hair to the side, revealing your neck.

He leaned down and pressed his warm and plump lips on the crook of your neck. You closed your eyes and breathed slowly, feeling his soft and warm lips on your skin.

"How's your day been?" He asked in a low tone.

His hot breath ghosted over your skin, sending a shudder down your spine. You kept your eyes closed.

"Good." You replied in a small tone.

"That's good."

"How about you? How was work?" You asked.

"I had a bunch of meetings, but it was alright." He said, and you nodded.

"That's good." You breathed out.

"What are you watching?" He asked as he noticed that the commercials were on.

"Just something, do you want to watch a movie?" You asked, and he nodded.

He grabbed the remote control and switched to Netflix.

"Which movie do you want to watch?" He asked.

"You can pick one." You said.

Your eyes were on the screen and you watched the movie list he searched through. You couldn't help but to be curious. Which movies did he like?

You stared on the screen, your eyes widened a bit and you turned to look at him. He had a straight look and his eyes were on the television screen.

He had picked a movie, you hadn't figured he would. You didn't know he liked this. But he was a man of surprises after all.

"Romeo and Juliet?"

He nodded, and his eyes drifted to you. He leaned down and suddenly pressed his lips on yours. "Have you seen this movie?" He asked, and you nodded.

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