02| Crazy Rich American Mums

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"It's not normal, you have to get over the incident and break out of that shell," her mother added shaking her head and her friends joined her.

"Ok, this conversation is now over and I'm leaving," Quinn said getting her bag and her mum pulled her back down on the seat.

"Tomorrow after we pick your sister from her school we are having dinner with the Winston's," her mother said to her and Quinn's eyes widen. She turned to her mother with fury.

"Winston, not Ace Winston right?" Quinn asked, her eyes widen and she looked at her mother hoping to hear what would prevent her from having a heart attack.

"Oh, you've met him. Well isn't that wonderful!" Her mother exclaimed, grinning while looking at her friends who had the same expression as her.

Quinn suddenly hiccuped.

Her mother looked at her. "Sweetie, your face looks pale. What happened?"

Quinn looked at her mum again then hiccuped making her mum look at her concerned.

"I can't go," Quinn finally said recovering from the trance.

The three women gasped.

"Sweetie you can't do that, this is already planned," Mrs. Manchester said slowing turning her head from Quinn because Quinn knows what it means when her mum says, 'it's planned.'

Quinn glared at her mum. "Mother, you told the reporters?" Quinn asked, filled with annoyance at her mum's joblessness.

"No, she told them they would get a surprise on Friday because when you pick up your sister from school tomorrow you'll have dinner with the Winston's and then it'll all be finalized for Friday," Jade explained and Quinn shook her head.

This can't be happening to me she repeated to herself.

She sprang up immediately.

"Sweetie, where are you going?" Her mother called as she and her friends watched Quinn walk out of the room.

"To the only person who would think right in this situation," Quinn yelled fleeing the room.

"Who did she inherit her bratty attitude from?" Her mother snorted and her friends slowly avoided her gaze.

"Hey, what does that mean?" Mrs. Manchester asked, raising her eyebrow and they both chuckled clasping their hands.

"You, she got it from you," Jade deadpanned.

"Me.... bratty... you must be kidding me," Mrs. Manchester scoffed, flipping her midnight black hair over her shoulder.

"Let's just forget about this, do you think Quinn would refuse to go to the dinner?" Chloe asked, moving her seat closer to her friends.

"She can't," Mrs. Manchester said stirring her tea and her friends looked at her confused.

"Have you forgotten I'm her mother and I know her know her weakest point," Mrs. Manchester said smirking.

"Father!" Quinn called out and her father stopped mid-air as he was about to hit the golf ball.

"Mum has gone crazy," Quinn complained and her dad gave one of the staff his golf equipment.

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