Keith x Acira - Don't Forget Us

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He just- stayed with the Blades, giving some half-hearted reason that he wanted to help with uncovering the secret supply route of Quintessence.

But I knew that wasn't the real reason.

I think we all knew that wasn't.

But, he just.... Disappeared.

With barely even a goodbye, or 'I'll miss you'.

He's there for Marmoran briefings, of course, if he wasn't, I think Shiro would consider flying to their base and drag Keith back here himself. I think Keith missed his family too much to just stop seeing us. And there are a few times after he would ping me so we could talk, but it was only ever for a few minutes, never longer than an hour, and my heart clenched at the thought of him slowly, but surely pulling away from us, distancing himself to the point of never seeing us again.

And, to be honest, I wasn't sure if I could take it.


I jumped at the voice sounding behind me, turning my head to see Kolivan's scarred face onscreen, his usual somber expression in place, and my thoughts almost immediately began to wander over the Galra's shoulder when I realized- my heart jumping to my throat -Keith wasn't there.

He- he wasn't there.

Why wasn't he there?

"Kolivan," Shiro nodded a greeting to Marmoran leader, and I watched as he frowned, taking in the scene on screen, most likely coming to the same question I did before finally asking, "Where's Keith?"

"He's resting, he and a small group of spies have just gotten back from a very crucial mission."

I could practically hear Shiro's brow raise at the response. Even if Keith just got back from a "crucial" mission (he had a lot of those apparently), Keith never missed a briefing. Ever. I remember one time, he had come onscreen, half out of his Marmora suit just to stand there and see us for the day.

So, yeah, it was worrisome for him not to be there.

"Is he okay?" Shiro didn't hide the tinge of concern in his tone.

"Yes, but he is in his room resting, otherwise, I would put him on for you-"

Resting my ass.

I stood, hardly anyone giving me a sideways glance as I walked out of the lounge and into the hall, the moment I knew no one would see me, I broke into a run, sprinting towards my room, nearly barreling straight into the door before it opened. My hands scrabbled across the top of my dresser for the communicator, the screen lighting up my still dark room as I pressed for Keith's number, my other hand reaching to flip on a light.

It rang once.


Three times.

By the fourth ring, not only was I getting discouraged, but also worried, why wasn't he picking up?

It finally sent through at the seventh ring, the screen blinking to a dark room, the camera on the other end shifting, and I caught Keith's quiet grunt before a light turned on, the camera finally landing on his tired face, expression upturning slightly as he caught sight of me. "Acira, hey."

I couldn't help it, I nearly slumped completely onto my bed at his voice, just barely managing to sit down properly before I opened my mouth. He was okay, "Hey, why aren't you at the briefing?"

He shrugged, rubbing a tired hand down his face, "I'm just trying to get some sleep, why are you calling? Couldn't it have waited?"

I stiffened at his answer, his voice was tired, but calm, too calm for the words that just left his mouth, "No I- We always ping each other after a briefing, I thought you'd remember that."

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